Calgary RWC Meeting Minutes - May 9, 2016

RWC Minutes, May 9, 2016 

In Attendance:

Deb Kosteniuk, UTE 30024
Kirsten Strachey UTE 30024
Allisson Tse, UTE 30024
Vicky Norris, UTE 30024

Staff Support
 Dolly Ablitt, Regional Representative

Guest: Phillip Chan, Area Council

1.    The Meeting called to order at 5:45 p.m. 

-Motion made to adopt the agenda as presented, Motioned by Allison Tse, 2nd
 Vicky Norris. Agenda was adopted without any amendments.

-Minutes from previous meetings
-March 2 were read, motioned made by Allison Tse to adopt minutes without amendment, 2nd by Vicky Norris. Minutes Adopted.
-March 14 minutes were read, motioned made by Kirsten Strachey to adopt minutes without amendment, 2nd by Allison. Minutes Adopted.
-April 4 were read, motioned made by Deb Kosteniuk to adopt minutes without amendment, 2nd by Allison Tse. Minutes Adopted.


2.    Travel policy-discussion regarding reimbursement for travel costs.  Either use PRC policy to reimburse actual expenses or $50 honorarium.   REVP indicated this should be brought forward to PRC Finance Committee so that there is a prairie wide policy.   
3.    Regional Women’s Conference - Deb will be attending (steering committee) and Kirsten Strachey has been selected.  There will 55 women attending.  There will be workshops on Domestic Violence and Childcare.  Guest speakers will be Marianne Hladun and Robyn Benson. This committee will be having a resolution writing session on May 22 in Red Deer.
4.    Calgary Regional Women’s Committee Facebook page – Deb posts items of interest there regularly – if you are on Facebook, take a look.   Will try to post Notices of the Meetings there too.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:05 p.m.   

Next meeting to be held July 18, 2016 at 5:30 p.m.

Recorder:  Kirsten Strachey, RWC Secretary, UTE 30024 

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