Calgary RWC Minutes - January 23, 2017

RWC Minutes, Jan 23, 2017 

In Attendance:
Deb Kosteniuk, UTE 30024
Kirsten Strachey UTE 30024
Vicky Norris UTE 30024
Ami Downing, AG 30046
Arliss Chute USGE 30129
Tabassom Javadi Doudaranie, UNE 30040

 Maggie Harvey USGE
Jennifer Jurca, UCTE 30318
Dolly Ablitt, Regional Representative  

1. The Meeting called to order at 5:50 p.m. 
-Motion made to accept the agenda made by consensus.
Agenda was adopted without amendment.

2. Minutes from previous meetings- Dec 5, 2016 – Ami moved to accept minutes as amended, seconded by Tabassom

3.  Regional Childcare project – 2nd postcard. Link boosted on Facebook page between Jan 16-Jan 23, send to people between age 18-65, with interest in childcare. Resulted in 4065 total people reached. From that - 74 engagements (like, love, angry face) 19 Shares, 20 clicks to link to letter, and 4 comments.  1st Card results– Jeffery reported 42 people clicked the link.
This campaign has not cost this committee any money.  There is money available through National Women’s committee.  We will have a laptop at different events to have people sign online.  Possible to take to Area Council event, and have posters made– all in favour of this action. 
 -Will request to have Feb and March postcards out early in the Month.

4.  National Childcare project- Started Jan 16 – they have an online letter, asking to contact MP’s. What we can do - promote both campaigns to members. 

5.  Have a Heart Day - Feb 14, send a valentine to your MP.  First nation students receive $2000 less funding a year than other students.  This campaign is to help keep the Indigenous Affairs Minister accountable to the human rights tribunal. 
Calgary RWC to host a day to create valentines inviting members and their families as well as the indigenous community.    
The Native Friendship centre has offered their building; posters can be made to invite everyone. Vicki has offered to make bannock, soup or stew. 
Proposed budget $475, 1-4 pm Valentine cookies that the children can decorate. Valentine’s that can be sent into PM- no stamp required, and on line registration RWC Calgary location and Red Deer location. Deb to send in request for funding.

6.  Planning 2017 activities – important dates in 2017-think about what we would like to do as a committee.  IWD-march 8- have a perogy, cabbage roll work bee (Deb to request funding for this event earlier than usual). Our events must keep in mind the National Women’s committee direction. Sisters in spirit (Oct 6)

7.  Roundtable- Deb-elections to be held in Feb, budget due March 5, 2016

Ami- attended PSAC regional conference where they discussed a resolution for taking time off for domestic violence – ie time off for moving, changing locks, seeing lawyers and police. (Deb stated that there is one going forward at convention)
Vicki-attending a meeting in Edmonton to become more educated about the Daniels case, as well as going to Rocky Mtn house to learn about historical Metis in that location.
Arliss-Attended the Women’s March in Calgary, 5000 people consisting of men, women, children, different age groups, very pro women
Deb attended Women’s march in Winnipeg, pro women, and encouraging. To keep momentum going – Take 10 steps?? 
PRC met Jan 20-23, dealt with budget, and will be brought to convention floor. 
Kirsten – Attended Violence in Violence in the workshop, this workshop can be brought into each of our offices. Speak to your Workplace health and safety committee. 

The meeting was adjourned at 8:00  p.m. 
Next meeting to be held Feb 6 or 13th  2017 at 5:30 p.m.  Deb to confirm date.  

Recorder:  Kirsten Strachey, RWC Secretary, UTE 30024 

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