Calgary RWC minutes - February 13, 2017

RWC Minutes, Feb 13, 2017 

In Attendance:
Deb Kosteniuk, UTE 30024
Kirsten Strachey UTE 30024
Tabassom Javadi Doudaranie, UNE 30040
Maggie Harvey CEIU 30856
Melisa Lumbula, CEIU
Dolly Ablitt, Regional Representative

Alec Goertzen 
Phillip Chan
Melisa Lumbula 

Vicky Norris UTE 30024
Arliss Chute USGE 30129
Pam Taylor-Wald 
Ami Downing, AG 30046  
Jennifer Jurca, UCTE 30318

1. The Meeting called to order at 6:10 p.m. 
-Motion made to accept the agenda made by consensus.
Agenda was adopted without amendment.

2. Minutes from previous meetings- Jan 23, 2017 –  Maggie moved to have minutes reviewed at next meeting, Tabassom 2nd.  Minutes tabled until March meeting.

3. 2017 planning and budget – International Women’s Day March 8 5-8 pm, to be held at the Calgary Women’s Centre. Will be doing the painting of the tree w/the women’s hands being the leaves. There is entertainment, prizes with a potluck dinner.  PSAC has a table, with 12 questions that will focus on childcare (spin the wheel) Gift cards for the wheel. 2016 -$688 for gifts and gift cards. 
- A special request will be going to M. Hladun requesting $750 budget Door prizes $700 Red Deer $50– Deb & Alissa to attend, Tabassom will do shopping and gifts. Gift cards to be in envelopes and prizes wrapped- women will spin for a specific gift. Stamp will be used for hand to avoid problems with tickets. Vase filled with fresh fruit. PSAC student to do up questions for wheel-True or False 
Have laptop with the National Childcare campaign link

May 10th– Jordan’s principle, Bear Witness – purchase buttons, send letter to locals with a couple of buttons (in support of resolution that Calgary RWC put forth)

Scotia bank marathon last day in May, Mothers day, domestic violence workshop

Aug – Global Fest 2017 – join with Human Rights committee
-Soup Sisters - use the ATCO Blue Flame Kitchen (Calgary) –possible Awareness campaign - groups to donate to Calgary Women’s Centre, Owantan. Brenda Statford Society or school on one of the reserves. 

September 29th or 30th - One-day retreat, symposium, leading up to Sisters in Spirit (Oct 4) – can be held at the new offices Brenda Stratford Society, RCMP- to speak about domestic violence. Women’s Shelters   
Oct - Perhaps Light up the night.  
December 6th National day of Remembrance- shadow cut outs, vigil to be held in new PSAC space. 

5. Regional Childcare project – 3rd postcard out, Little Red Riding Hood  

Feb’s has not been posted on Facebook page yet. Looking at doing further outreach with groups interested in childcare.  This campaign has not cost this committee any money.  There is money available through National Women’s committee.  
Printing cards -what is cost?
Possible to take to Area Council event, and have posters made– all in favour of this action. 

7.  Roundtable- 
Deb-elections to be held in May after PSAC regional. 

The meeting was adjourned at 8:15  p.m. 
Next meeting to be held Feb 6 or 13th  2017 at 5:30 p.m.  Deb to confirm date.  

Recorder:  Kirsten Strachey, RWC Secretary, UTE 30024 

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