N Alberta RWC Mtg Minutes - Sep 15 2016


SEPTEMBER 15, 2016
In Attendance:
Charmaine Nelson Chair
Darlene Lewis Vice Chair
Kim Haynes Treasurer
Dragana Ristivojevic Secretary
Karoline Klug A/Regional PSAC Rep
Kim Cardinal
Patty Jessome
Gulnar Dhalwani
Jennifer Chieh Ho

Nina Babcook A/Regional PSAC Rep
Chelsea Keys
Deb Basaraba
Lorelei Noble

6.1 Call to Order: Meeting was called to order by Charmaine at 5:30 pm. Charmaine welcomed everyone to the meeting. A special welcome to Jennifer Chieh Ho who is the BC Regional Council – Racially Visible Coordinator. All sisters introduced themselves and identified which component they represented.
6.2 Approval of Previous Minutes: Previous minutes will be available at our next meeting.
6.3 Tools for School: The school list was agreed to by all. The school list will cost the committee $1,913.21 ($2,159.08 - 15% = $1913.21). Patty will approach the school and inquire if they require more supplies. Once the signing authority has been completed, the order will be placed on Monday. It was decided that the delivery of supplies should go directly to the school. If the supplies are delivered by Grand ‘n Toy, Patty will approach the teacher that we would like a group picture and not to unpack the shipment.
6.4 Signing Authority: To be arranged for Friday. Kim has the required documents to present to the bank.
6.5 Community Garden: The school is working with United Way. The school stated that lumber is being donated which will be used in the construction of raised beds from September 12-15, 2016. Construction of these raised beds will be done on October 07, 2016 which will be ready for our Committee to be involved in planting of garden in Spring 2017.

6.6 Northern Alberta Seminar: Discussions on the planning of the Conference are as follows.
Kim Haynes will be attending the Prairie Regional Financial Committee meeting held on November 03 & 04, 2016 where she will inquire with the PRF Committee as to why Marianne Hladun did not forward our budget to the PRF Committee.
Patty informed the committee that Jan Reimer will be available. Patty will do a follow up with Maria Fitzpatrick. Darlene will contact Perri for recommendations of speakers as well as an Elder for the opening prayer.
Kim Cardinal will try to contact Buffy St Marie for her availability or we could play her songs at the seminar.
The Kids in the Hall Bistro is large enough to accommodate 30 women. Snacks will be made available during morning and afternoon coffee breaks. Lunch would be a hot buffet. The Bistro has sectional sofas in a corner. The topics discussed at this conference would involve domestic violence in the workplace and child care. The panelists would move to each table. A three-hour workshop to be held in the afternoon. Initially, we should be sending out an Expression of Interest and directing the Sisters to go the website where they could vote “yes” or “no”. This would provide us with numbers of how many Sisters would be attending. Then a call-out letter will be sent out at the end of October, 2016 or by November 03, 2016. Genevieve will open a website “Northern Alberta Seminar”.
At the seminar, each Sister will be given a candle where they can decorate is with henna and then they would take their decorated candle to the vigil.
6.6 Future Scheduled Meetings:
- Thursday October 13, 2016;
- Thursday November 10, 2016; and
- Thursday December 15, 2016
6.7 Treasurer’s Report: No Financial Report was presented to the Committee.
6.8 New Business:
Remembrance Day – Will be discussed at our next meeting.
6.9 Round Table:
Patty – She may not be available in November.
Gulnar – Questioned why the Financial Report was not available at our meetings and wants to see it.
Gulnar attended the Racially Visible Conference in Winnipeg. She found this conference very informative, created strong allies and how to develop strong relationships with the community.
Karoline – A group picture of our committee was taken after the meeting. This picture will be forwarded to our Bargaining Team to show our support.
Next scheduled Meeting: Thursday October 13, 2016
Meeting Adjourned at 7:20 pm.

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