Public Service Alliance of Canada
Regional Women’s Committee
General Meeting
June 28, 2017 @ PSAC Edmonton RO
In attendance:
Patty Jessome, Chair
Kim Cardinal, Secretary
Charmaine Nelson, Treasurer
Carm Chan, A/Regional PSAC Rep
Kim Haynes, Member
Deborah Basaraba, Member
Robyn Ohland, Member
Darlene Lewis, Member
Dragana Ristivojevich, Vice Chair
1. Call to Order and Welcome – Patty called the meeting to order @ 5:30 pm. Patty, Charmaine and Darlene read out the Statement on Harassment.
2. Agenda - Adoption: Consensus.
3. Last meeting minutes (May 24, 2017) - Adoption: Kim suggested to table these minutes until the next meeting in order to complete the minutes. Consensus.
4. Darlene Lewis informed the group that she wanted to send a card to Roma’s Flower Shop for the flowers that were supplied for the Dec. 6th National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women in Canada.
5. Follow up on previous business:
# Description Person Action / Discussion/Completed
4.1. Nina to provide update on allies to the committees Nina The Edmonton District Labour Council, Alberta Federations of Labour, Unifor, United Way and Canada Labour Congress are all allies that we work with and pair up with. In terms of their participation on the committee I would say would be a political decision and something Marianne should weigh in on.
4.2. Update on FB page from Patty Patty On-going, still working on it.
4.3. International Women’s Day Swag bags and lunch Patty Waiting for response from Maryanne. Sent a reminder email to her 2 days ago.
4.4. Kim to send resolutions via email Kim Kim forwarded the resolutions to all that was in attendance at this meeting.
Childcare for seminar, can we use volunteers? Nina They must be licensed or work for a licensed childcare company. There are certain forms that are filled out. Regarding what budget this could come out of, still waiting for an answer.
6. New Business:
# Description Person Action / Discussion/Completed
5.1 Nina to research child care options. This budget will come out of the Child care Campaign Budget (PSAC National) Nina Table to next meeting
5.2 Save the date poster done: Has anyone registered? Patty/Committee Poster should be revamped to include to send an email to if interested and as well another suggestion to put a leading sentence or two explaining the importance of this seminar.
5.3 Patty will contact other union affiliates to rally with us Patty Has made several calls and still waiting to hear back and will follow up.
5.4 Kim C to send invitation to other allies and affiliates Kim Kim will work on the invitations – Seminar and Rally – will send to Patty for input on design and context.
5.5 50/50 draw for a charity. Deb Basaraba to research charities Deb Deb sent email with a list of charities to Patty and Kim. Deb read off some of the charities. Patty liked Terra. List will be forward to the committee. Kim suggests that each member send their choice to Patty and Patty will ask to submit at deadline. Kim C will complete the forms for the license and send to WLC
5.6 Kim to develop schedule for weeding. Done Kim Kim updated the committee on the dates and the volunteers. July 5th is the next weeding date and every 2nd Wednesday forward. Kim bought 2 tomato plants and will submit receipt at next meeting. Lettuce is ready to harvest and taken to a charity.
5.7 Patty started to call locals on her EDO: more time is needed to complete This is for Women helping Women Campaign: Food for Women
Cheques received is:
$200 CLC
$200 UEW
$200 RCMP
$250 30194 WD
$200 Lacombe Research Centre
Patty would like volunteers from the executive to assist in calling locals for donations. Calls need to be done at the PSAC office.
7. Roundtable: Kim explained that roundtable should be like a “check out” process, make comments regarding what was discussed; this is not where you bring up new business and/or items. As this was explained now, this will be strictly implemented going forward.
Deb: Has worked hard on getting her local informed and having them participate in the RWC. Also like to say Happy Canada Multi-Culture Day. Also, reminded committee of other days that are coming up and ones that have happened.
Darlene: December 6th. Still need to send a thank you card to the floweriest shop for the donation of the roses. Darlene will deliver the card with a picture of the display. Charmaine has some pictures and will send to Nina.
Charmaine: $515 has cleared. $200 still need to be sent to AEC. $285 for the T-Shirts. Balance ($24.43). Still waiting for RWC’s budget money. Cheques for the Women helping Women will be deposited tomorrow.
Kim: Enjoyed this evening, had great discussions and meeting was well organized and moved along. One reminder to chair and that is to put the “finance update” within the Agenda, maybe after the minutes are adopted.
Charm: Enjoyed this evening and appreciate the meeting is ending on time.
Patty: Great meeting and maybe at a later date we could share the PSUW event and how fantastic it was.
8. Next meeting(s): Time is 5:30 – 7:00 pm @ PSAC Edmonton Regional Office
August 2nd, 2017.
9. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 7:07 pm.
Who What When
Patty Forward email from Nina to Kim (for last meeting’s agenda) Done
Patty Forward resolutions to committee Done
Patty Edit poster to reflect interest and send out to everyone when done Work in Progress
Patty Send out 50/50 draw charities to everyone to reply with choice Done
Patty Send Charmaine SAGE info Done
Patty Do FaceBook Page Work in Progress
Kim Get and fill out forms for 50/50 draw Work in Progress
Charmaine Drop off garden goods to SAGE Work in Progress