Calgary AC Meeting Minutes - Jul 26, 2017

Calgary Area Council Meeting Minutes

July 26th 2017


Alec Goertzen, President

Dale Marianicz, Vice-President

Melisa Lumbala, Secretary

Phil Chan, Treasurer

Deb Kosteniuk, UTE30024


Raj Hari, RO Rep


The meeting was called to order at 5:35 p.m.


Br Alec presented the Agenda for review.  No amendments noted.


Br Alec presented the May 17th, 2017 minutes for review and adoption    M/S/C  Deb/Phil

Correction from NPSQ to NPSW.

Treasurer’s Update

Br Phil reported on few matters:

As of June 30th 2017, balance is 1226.31$  Projected funding for Labor Day and fall events only.

NPSW event – our event to distribute ice cream during National Public Service week was well attended and on budget. The event was held in the atrium of the Harry Hays Building and committee members distributed 450 ice cream bars to our members to help them cool off after being Burnt by Phoenix. All of the DQ ice cream bars were handed out in under an hour, along with hundreds of stickers, and flyers.

Labour Day event - projected cost is approximately 800$.  The event budget has been approved in principal by the REVP but Br Alec will submit the formal budget to the REVP to ensure monies are received in time to cover costs.

Br Alec will be absent from August 21st to September 28Th and so will not be part of organizing the Labour Day activity.  Sis Melisa also will be out of town that weekend Br Phil and Raj volunteered to take the lead to organize the day; the plan is:

  • Br Phil said he would help to pick up condiment the Friday September 1st before Labor Day.
  • Br Dale can arrange to come by and assist with loading tent, etc. to take over to the event location.
  • Sis Deb will attend booth to help
  • Br Phil will send volunteer invite out to HRC members

Br Alec mention may be a good an idea to improve on dessert item this year. Discussed options such as watermelon, cake, cookies or other options. A proposal and decision was made to provide rice krispies or puffed square (pre-packaged) and will ask for a quote at Safeway to see if we could include in the budget. Members agreed.

Br Alec asked to Br Raj if we could use PSAC flag/swag with phoenix logo burning.  Br Raj said he would ask.

Old Business

Ice cream Truck – Br Alec noted that the 2016 event at Harry Hays was a good event and should we consider a different location this year. Since the airport postponed their NPSW event in June/2017 it may be a good option to host this event at their location. Br Alec asked Br Phil if he would make contact with ice cream truck we used to see about hosting at airport for August. Br Chan also said it will not be possible logistic wise to have the truck at the airport terminal as the parking and getting people to the location may be an issue. Sis Deb said August is a busy month for call center, and a discussion to maybe consider later time period. Sis Melisa, said same for her location as people from airport do not come to CBSA commercial office for events and with shift work, it can be complicated for our airport members. Br Alec asked everyone to think about logistics for this even and we can discuss more at next meeting.

Leadership brunch – funding as been approved by REVP in principal for this event in October, pending formal budget submission, however organizing has been a challenge for location, food, speakers, participants and this being a component convention year. After discussion, it was decided to postpone this until early next year.

New Business

Four (4) resolutions were received for review, debate and vote to refer to the upcoming National Triennial Convention April 2018. Br Alec relayed the process and the resolutions will all be moved by Br Alec Goertzen and seconded by Sis Deb Kosteniuk to expedite the process, and will be attached to the minutes.

Round Table

Br Chan advised his term with Statistic Canada was ended early and was not sure if he could still participate to Unions activities. He will make application to National President for his status of good standing to see if he can be extended his committee work. He said he would advise us once he receives the President response. The Council may be looking for a member to fill the Treasurer position in the future.

Adjourned 7:40pm

Next meeting tentatively set for October 2017

Resolution 1:  Support for BillS-215 – is an Act to amended Criminal Code (sentencing for violent offences against woman Indigenous Woman)


M/S Goertzen/Kosteniuk – Carried unanimous

Resolution 2:  Racially Visible Leadership – develop training dedicated to racially visible members


M/S Goertzen/Kosteniuk – Carried

Resolution 3:  Transgender Participation at RWC’s


M/S Goertzen/Kosteniuk – Carried unanimous

Resolution 4:  Transgender Education for RWC’s


M/S Goertzen/Kosteniuk – Carried unanimous

Separate submission of these resolutions approved for referral will be completed by Br. Alec in accordance with the Convention procedures. Deadline is set at Sept 1/2017.

Resolution 1:  Support for BillS-215

BECAUSE Bill S-215, an Act to amend the Criminal Code (sentencing for violent offences against Indigenous women) requires a court to consider the fact that when the victim of an assault or murder is an Indigenous female person, this constitutes an aggravating circumstance for the purpose of sentencing; and

BECAUSE Bill S-215 was passed by the Senate on December 15, 2016 and is now before The House; and

BECAUSE the purpose of Bill S-215 is a remedial response meant to rectify the over-victimization of Indigenous females thus interrupting the detrimental effects and addressing biases;

PSAC WILL provide members direction, training and resources to undertake coordinated national actions pressuring Members of Parliament to pass Bill S-215

This Bill is a national issue. It affects people right across the country and it creates awareness. Awareness is needed to lobby parliamentarians to pass this Bill.

CALGARY AREA COUNCIL             DECISION:_______________________



Resolution 2:  Racially Visible Leadership – develop training dedicated to racially visible members


BECAUSE The Prairie Region Conference for Racially Visible members identified the lack of leaders from the Racially Visible members as a priority issue; And

BECAUSE racially visible members face unique needs, challenges and experiences; And

BECAUSE creating a safe space where racially visible members can feel free to speak up is a priority for our union

PSAC WILL develop leadership training dedicated for racially visible members to encourage active participation and more equitable representation in the leadership and diversity in the union.

PSAC make a concerted effort to make racially visible leadership training a reality and to further implement the leadership training nationally within the next three-year cycle.

A continuation of educational opportunities afforded to racially visible members as a part of resolution of record that was passed at PSAC Triennial convention of 2015. To ensure racially visible leadership training is offered in a timely manner.

CALGARY AREA COUNCIL             DECISION:_______________________



Resolution 3:  Transgender Participation at RWC’s

BECAUSE transgender people face unique challenges; and

BECAUSE being LBGT inclusive means understanding and welcoming the Transgender Community;

THE PSAC WILL ensure that all members who self identify as a woman are welcomed to the Regional Women's Committees.

Because PSAC encourages inclusiveness to all we need to open the door for transgender individuals. All members whether born female or self identify as female should be welcome onto a regional women's committee.

CALGARY AREA COUNCIL             DECISION:_______________________



Resolution 4:  Transgender Education for RWC’s

BECAUSE transgender people face unique challenges; and

BECAUSE being LBGT inclusive means understanding and welcoming the Transgender Community; and

BECAUSE information and educational material would assist the Regional Women's Committees in their quest to be Transgender Allies;

THE PSAC WILL develop educational sessions to provide information to assist the Regional Women's Committees to be as welcoming as possible to members who self identify as a woman.


Educational awareness is essential for acceptance of transgendered persons.

CALGARY AREA COUNCIL             DECISION:_______________________



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