Regina Area Council Minutes May 3, 2017

Regina Area Council
Meeting Minutes
May 3, 2017
Present: Melissa Brandt – Chair Giselle Henry – Vice-Chair
Tim Hubick, Treasurer Brett Pollard – Secretary
Satinder Bains, PRC Representative Danielle Aubichon, L40005
Diana Jackson – L40081 Mark Gilchrist – L40721
Sylvie Bowler – L40008 Greg Read – L40008
Martha Johnson, Regional Rep
1. The meeting commenced at 5:37 p.m. with a roundtable and introductions.
2. M/S/C Brett/Dani
That the meeting agenda be adopted as circulated.
3. M/S/C Dani/Tim
That the January 31, 2017 meeting minutes be adopted as circulated.
4. Tim reported that effective March 31, 2017 the bank balance was $1,079.10.  An appointment is setup at the bank for Friday to complete the change-over of signing officers.  Larry Skibicki to be removed and Giselle Henry to be added.
5. Update by PRC Representative:
Satinder reported PRC is preparing to hold its first meeting following regional convention.  Dates are being finalized for either late June or early July.  It is expected the meeting will take place in SK.
6. Planning for 2017 activities/projects:
a. Alternative NPSW – Melissa proposed organizing a Phoenix awareness event to be held during NPSW; she suggested organizing a lunchtime demonstration to be held at the office at Liberal MP Ralph Goodale; there was no interest/support and no other activities were proposed.
b. Tools for Schools – Melissa suggested re-launching the joint committee Tools for Schools program; no interest/support
c. Labour Day Picnic – awaiting receipt of a planning meeting notice; Melissa will forward an email inquiry to Gunnar Passmore at the Building Trades Union.
7. Other Business:
Mark Gilchrist reported he has put a proposal together related to development of a new training course to be delivered through the Joint Learning Program.  The course would focus on disability insurance and worker’s compensation.  He has also been advocating to develop a leave program for veterans who were injured and are now employed in the public service.
Martha requested that future meeting notices indicate RSVP’s are to be sent to the committee chair together with any proposed agenda items.  A reminder should also be included that meetings are scent-free.
The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.; next meeting:  June 28, 2017.
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