Regina Area Council AGM Minutes March 7, 2017

Regina District Area Council
Annual General Meeting Minutes
March 7, 2017
In attendance:
Melissa Brandt, Chair Brett Pollard, Vice-Chair
Tim Hubick, Treasurer Michelle Lang, RWC Chair
Danielle Aubichon, L40005 Giselle Henry, L40009
Martha Johnson, PSAC Representative
Meeting called to order at 5:32 pm.
Attendees signed an attendance sheet put on circulation and a round table of introductions was completed.
Adoption of Agenda:
M/S/C Brett/Michelle That the agenda be adopted as presented.
Adoption of March 9, 2016 AGM Minutes:
M/S/C Tim/Brett That the minutes for the 2016 AGM be adopted as presented.
Report of Chair:
Sister Melissa presented her report on 2016 activities (attached).
M/S/C Melissa/Brett To accept the report of the Chair as presented.
Report of PRC Area Council Representative:
The PRC Representative, Satinder Bains, was not able to attend the meeting and did not forward a report for presentation in his absence.
2016 Financial Review:
M/S/C Michelle/Danielle That Sister Melissa be reimbursed the cost of meal expenses in the amount of $20.04.
The financial statements for 2017 together with proposed budget were reviewed and discussed.  It was noted the transaction log should reflect closing bank balance effective December 31, 2016 as $1,101.44.
M/S/C Tim/Brett To accept the financial statements for 2016 and the 2017 budget with provision the closing bank balance for December 31, 2016 be corrected to show as $1,101.44 on the transaction log.
Election of Area Council Officers:
Sister Martha Johnson opened the floor and called for nominations for the election of officers.
Chair – Sister Melissa Brandt
Vice-Chair – Sister Giselle Henry
Secretary – Brother Brett Pollard
Treasurer – Brother Tim Hubick
Following completion of the elections Sister Johnson administered the oath of office.
It was noted the banking officers will need to be amended by removing Larry Skibicki and adding Giselle Henry.  Sister Melissa and Brother Tim to remain as they were each re-elected to the positions they previously held.
The meeting adjourned at 6:10 p.m.
Appendix 1
2016 Activity Report
Chair, PSAC Regina Area Council
• Since the last AGM, Area Council held meetings June 7, August 30 and September 28, November 1 and November 29, 2016.  There was also a meeting on January 31, 2017.
• Following the June 7 meeting I prepared and submitted a proposal for funding to again host a booth at the upcoming Labour Day picnic.  The proposal received approval by the REVP.
• Unfortunately due to inclement weather the Labour Day picnic in Wascana Park did not proceed and the 44 boxes of fruit snacks chews purchased from Costco for distribution had to be returned.  There was considerable confusion around obtaining confirmation on the status of the picnic; hopefully a communication plan will be incorporated into planning for the 2017 picnic.
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