Edmonton Regional Women's Committee: Meeting Minutes - Sept 6, 2017

Northern Alberta Regional

Women’s Committee

September 6, 2017


In attendance:

Patty Jessome: Chair

Charmaine Nelson: Treasurer

Kim Cardinal: Secretary

Darlene Lewis: member

Mathy Mulumba-Buaba (Teleconference)


PSAC staff in attendance:

Nina Babcook: A/PSAC Rep.



Dragana Ristivojevich: Vice Chair

Colette Lee: member

Kim Haynes: member (teleconference)


Welcome - Call to Order - Patty called the meeting to order @ 5:32 pm

Introductions and the Harassment Statement was read

Agenda – no more items were added – was adopted

Last meeting minutes (June 28, 2017) - Adoption -  was adopted

Last meeting minutes – Adoption – Patty suggested that Item #5 on the minutes be recalculated as the shirts should be $260 rather than $285, this will be adopted at the next meeting.

Financial Report: presented by Charmaine Nelson

To be deposited:

$1900 – Cheque for RWC Budget
$200 – For Food for Women
$2100.00 – For the Child Care Seminar will be held until we can confirm that this seminar will take place

Total in the RWC budget is $3410.57

Follow up of previous business:

7.1. Patty is holding off from updating the FaceBook page as we have the seminar and the March being advertised. Charmaine updated the FB page with garden pictures

7.2. The International Women’s Day Swag bags and lunch – Marianne has ordered SWAG for the ladies and date for Mavis and Robyn will be on Oct 11th, 2017 with Robyn Benson, National President for PSAC.

7.3. Two cheques have been received by this committee today (see Item #6 above for the details). Marianne has sent shirts to the Area Council and asked if RWC would like some and if yes to provide the sizes.  Patty took the committee’s sizes and has submitted and will arrive this week with the whistles.

New Business:

8.1. Seminar is at a crucial point and may be cancelled due to low enrollment. We have 8 registered at the moment and require 20.  It was suggested that each one of us speak to our “sisters” either in the workplace or if you have any contacts from other seminars/conventions/conferences’, etc. Nina and Freada will call each local this week and hope to recruit more people.  If we do not have at least 20 by September 8th, the seminar will be cancelled.

8.2. Minister McLean is unable to attend and has been replaced by MLA Marie Renaud. The event checklist was completed for the minister now that the minister will be unable to attend there will be no further action for this.

8.3. Update on Child Care by Nina – Grant MacEwan is unionized and licensed. Nina has not been able to get ahold of anyone there due to summer break. There most likely will be no time to have them for the child care seminar, however will follow-up on how to use their service for future events.

8.4. Rally/March

Patty created a FB event and it has been shared by Women’s Initiative Edmonton, March On Edmonton and Public Interest Edmonton. We have four people going and 39 interested.
The March will be from 12:30 – 1:30 pm, this will take place and be in part of the Seminar Agenda.
Permit is still required to be completed.  Nina will complete this and send.  Items that were discussed and clarified are:

Map of March – the route will be from the PSAC office to 102 street and then back to the PSAC office, this should take approximately 20 min.
Certificate of Insurance
Event Safety Plan – 2 Marshalls; one in the front and one in the back. The Marshalls will have cell phones. Water will also be provide to each person on the March at the beginning.
Waste Management – Marshalls will have garbage bags to gather any waste from the marchers.

Noise Makers – Marianne will send whistles, fan/slappers, balloons (helium).
Posters – Find slogans for the placards, people can also make their own placard. Supplies may need to be purchased for this.

8.5. Patty sent the “March” poster to all of the allies identified. Patty also attend the Labour Day BBQ and distributed the posters and spoke with unions who were working the BBQ to generate interest in the March.

8.6. Kim had to leave the meeting before this item could be discussed.  Nina emailed the completed AGLC form to Kim on Thursday, September 7th.  Kim signed and sent the form to AGLC with a cc to Patty and Nina.

Garden: Harvest

The garden has been harvest a few times now.
Patty and Charmaine came on Monday, September 7th and harvest the majority of the garden.  Patty cleaned and dropped off to SAGE on September 8th, they were happy to see that we cleaned the produce first.
Kim mentioned that the potatoes at her parents’ farm should be harvest soon.  Kim will send out an email to the committee on a date and time that will work to request volunteers. Darlene and Charmaine would like to volunteer to harvest the potatoes.

Round table - no comments received
It was mentioned again that if the seminar is canceled we will still hold the march.

Meeting adjourned at 6:45pm






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