Calgary Human Rights Committee Meeting Minutes - Dec. 7, 2017

PSAC Calgary Human Rights Committee Meeting Minutes

December 7, 2017


Phillip Chan (Chair)

Vic Johal (Vice-chair)

Victoria Norris (Secretary)

Melisa Lumbala (Treasurer)

Phillip Chan called the meeting to order at 6:00pm

This meeting was intended as a quick year-end round-table discussion; hence no formal agenda was set, nor dinner was provided.

Previous meeting minutes was presented and reviewed.

Motion to accept previous (Oct. 18th) meeting minutes: Phil Chan/Melisa, adopted.

Changing over the bank signing authority will soon be complete – pending on Vic’s and Melisa’s availability (Phil has already completed all the necessary paperwork). The $50 replacement cheque will then be issued to Pathways. (The original vendor table payment cheque was made out to AAWC in error)

Phil will remain as chair for now. He will hear more about his grievance status next week, which will be a factor to determine his next course of action and his role as chair in the future.

We will need to plan our budget at the next meeting, and the AGM will probably be set in February or March 2018.

The committee would like to plan an event for Black History month (February of each year) during 2018 as we had missed the Pride parade for 2017. Vicky will also again submit a proposal for National Aboriginal Day (June 21st, 2018) funding, and Vic will investigate if our committee can help with the slave crisis in Libya. We are planning to request the funding from the social justice fund to cover these actionable events.

As noted in the meeting, members have taken personal vacation time and paying out of pocket for parking to attend other related committee meetings outside of PSAC union as a whole – all the while the Phoenix pay issue is still affecting everyone. Hence Phil is going to investigate regarding possible methods to cover members’ union-related expenses during this pay crisis.

The PSAC National Triennial Convention will be held on April 29th -  May 11th, 2018. Vic is attending as the national GLBTQ+ male representative.

Motion to adjourn meeting - Melisa/Vic, adopted.

Meeting Adjourned at 6:40 pm. Next meeting is January 18 @ 5:30 pm at the PSAC Calgary RO.


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