Edmonton Human Rights Committee: Meeting Minutes - Jan 25, 2018

Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC)

Edmonton Human Rights Committee General Meeting

January 25th, 2018  PSAC Edmonton RO

In attendance: 

Mavis Callihoo, Chair

Mildred Ncube, Co-Chair               

Patty Jessome, Secretary

Adrian Nelson, Member    

PSAC Staff:

Carm Chan, A/Regional PSAC Rep


Kim Cardinal, Treasurer

Charmaine Nelson, Member

Deb Basaraba, Member

1.Welcome to all/Call to Order – Mavis Callihoo called the meeting to order @ 5:30pm

2.Harassment statement: Mavis will request the Harassment statement  for reading at future meetings.

3.Agenda - Adoption: Agenda approved by consensus.

4.Adoption of planning Meeting Minutes approved by consensus.  

5.Finance Review Presented by Kim Cardinal: Kim was not in attendance to present the treasurer’s report. Current bank statement: $5,135.83.

Budget (so far)



Black History Month



Dream Catcher Workshop

March 17th


Talking Stick Workshop

March 1st


6.Follow up on previous business:

  1. Signing authority: Mavis went to bank and signing authority has gone to main office for validation.
  2. Signing authority: Kim went to bank on January 30th and now has signing authority.

7.New business:

  1. Contest for Black History Month: Mavis to create 10 questions about black history from the Federal Government website. Contestants answer the questions and send them in for a chance to win the following:  
    1st prize: two tickets to the 21st Harmony Brunch being held on Sunday March 25th, 2018 ($60);  
    2nd prize: CD of Caribbean Music ($20);
    3rd prize: Book,Viola Desmond’s Canada: A history of blacks and segregation in the promised land ($30)
    *Winner will be chosen and announced on the evening of Feb. 22nd at the Essential Oils event.

7.2Phoenix National day of Action (Feb. 28th): Taking place at Canada Place. All committee members are being asked to attend to help PSAC run and organize this event. Loss of salary will be covered.

7.3Dream Catcher Workshop (March 17th): Four hours. Afternoon 1-5 (Plus snacks and drinks $100) $700 for 25 people. Cost depends on the number of participants. Ask for $5 to register to offset costs. If participants would like they can purchase a stone for $5.

7.4 United Nations Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (March 21st): Mavis to send e-mail out to membership as a reminder of this important day.

7.5Talking Stick Workshop date t/c: Patty will send e-mail and come up with a date to do an evening talking stick workshop, (2 hours). Dates to consider are: March 1st, 13, 29. March 1st was the preferred date.

7.6Budget: please add line for parking, transportation, child care, iPAD of some kind.

8.Next meeting date: Thursday, Feb 22nd

9. Adjournment:  Meeting adjourned at 6:40


Who (name)

What (are they doing)

When (item #)


Gather 10 questions for Black History Month contest. Create answers. Send to PSAC for distribution




Viola Desmond’s Canada a history of blacks and segregation in the promised land. Adrian will purchase for Black History Month contest.



E-mail to members for the United Nations Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

Few days prior to event


Please check Heather’s availability for Dream Catcher and Talking Stick



Send e-mail to committee members and come up with a date to do the talking stick. March 1st, 13, 29th



Our Organization: