Edmonton Regional Women's Committee Meeting Notice: October 19, 2017 @ 5:30

Public Service Alliance of Canada
Regional Women’s Committee
General Meeting

October 19th, 2017   PSAC Edmonton RO

In attendance: 

Patty Jessome, Chair                     
Dragana Ristivojevich, Vice Chair
Charmaine Nelson, Treasurer
Kim Cardinal, Secretary
Elizabeth Bagnall, Member
Isabella Pierce from UNIFOR (Local 52A), Guest

PSAC Staff:
Nina Babcook, A/Regional PSAC Rep

Deborah Basaraba, Member
Deb Kosteniuk, Member

1.Welcome to all / Call to Order – Patty Jessome called the meeting to order @ 5:36 pm.

2.Harassment statement read by Charmaine Nelson. Special NOTE: Nina will laminate the harassment statement.

3.This Agenda - Adoption: Agenda approved by consensus.

4.Adoption of September 28th Meeting Minutes: Minutes were reviewed – motion to accept by Charmaine and 2nd by Dragana

5.Finance Review Presented by Charmaine:
Food for Women
: Donations currently - $1,150. Donations to deposit - $600 with a total of $1650.00. RWC will match up to $500 – Total current for food for women is $2150.00. 

Below is the snap shot of RWC finances


6.Follow up on previous business:

  1. Garden:

Patty spoke with Bernice from SAGE and she is very happy to have partnered with us on our garden initiative. She had very positive comments to make and looks forward to working with us on the Food for Women Campaign as they have many women who live below the poverty line in the community that they assist. Kim commented that there is still lots of potatoes to dig up if anyone is interested.

  1. Food for Women Campaign:

Due to other commitments we were not able to get into the office to make calls for further donations. Patty reached out to Denise Davey and Elizabeth Bagnall (who took over as president for Darlene Lewis) for donations. Denise Davey (DND Local) gave $300. Elizabeth was in attendance and will get back to the committee on how much their local will be able to donate as she has not had a chance to speak to her members.

7.New business:

  1. Food for Women: Suggested that Nina sends out poster to all locals again and lists the locals that have already donated (this will not include the amount donated). The deadline for submission is November 15th, 2017

Committee discussed and came to consensus that the gift cards will be $50 in total and they will be distributed to SAGE and a Women Shelter.

Nina will also speak with UFCW locals that cover Safeway in our area to see if we can get any kind of discount and/or promotion for purchasing $2150 in gift cards.

7.2 Remembrance Day Wreath – The wreath has been ordered by Sister Charmaine and seats secured for the Remembrance Day Ceremony at the Butterdome.

7.3 National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women: Isabella from UNIFOR showed last year’s posters and program to the committee and reviewed the program.  Was asked if this committee would like to do this event together, committee agreed. 

Draft details of the December 6th event from 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm:

Location: 9340 – 50 street (this was last year’s location)

Guest Speaker – Michael Cameron (Isabella has arranged)

Details to follow-up:
Confirm the location – Isabella
Find another guest speaker – Kim C will look further into this as she works at the Edmonton Institute for Women and there is several programs and communities that may be interested in speaking at this event.
Elders to open and close the event
Create poster – Elizabeth
Create program – Isabella
Roses – these were donated last year will need to follow up with the company to see if they will be interested in donating again.
Suggestion to add if we would like to collect, for example: blankets, food for the women’s shelter.

7.4 Ideas: for working together with Regional Women’s committees across the country or prairies on universal child care campaign. Some ideas from the committee were/are:

  • Have an action day – suggested for the International Children’s Day on the 20th of October next year.
  • Arrange a teleconference call with all the RWC’s. Nina will arrange and will present the details at the next meeting and then we can set a date for the call.
  1. Business case for Attending AFL: Patty completed a business case under separate cover and will make a minor change to request up to 6 tickets to attend.
  2. GC Connect / What’s your story: Update from Kim was not available at the time of this meeting.


Patty:  Sending Alexis Nakota Sioux Nations School a $400 cheque as this was decided an approved at the beginning of the year and was missed sending the school the cheque in September. This was decided to pick a school that does not receive government funding for school supplies.  Also, asked Charmaine and Nina if they can complete the Budget costs and what is left over from the Seminar.

Dragana: Is attending this coming Monday a community meeting (Central MacDougall) and will be speaking during this meeting regarding universal child care.

Kim: Apologized for the completion of the minutes lately as she started a new job and has been extremely busy.

Nina: Updated the committee on a few events that are coming:  Winter School in Jasper on Jan 14-19, 2018. Nina will be sending the email out this week.  AGM dates should be set, committee asked if Nina can contact the other committees and have this at the same time.  Committee agreed to a tentative date of December 14th.

9.Next meeting date: November 23, 2017 @ 5:30 pm

10.Adjournment:  Meeting adjourned at 7:35 pm







Send poster to Locals RE: Food for Women

Speak with UFCW local regarding gift cards

Item # 7.1


Confirm Location

Complete the program

Item #7.3


Find another Speaker

Find an Elder

Item #7.3

Charmaine and Nina

To complete the budget for the seminar on what was spent and what is left over that was allocated



To find out if the other committees will be available for a combined AGM on December 14th


Kim C

Get information on how GC Connect works

Item #7.6


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