Regina and Area Human Rights Committee
November 15, 2016 5:30pm
1. Called to Order: 5:35pm
2. Attendance: Marlene Hoce, Deanna Getz, Tim Hubick, Michelle Lang, Brett Pollard, Dani Aubichon(called in by phone)
1. Call to order
2. Introductions
3. Adoption of Agenda
4. PSAC Statement on Harassment
5. October 21, 2016 minutes approval
6. Treasurer’s report
7. Resolution debate and submission approval to Prairies Triennial Regional Convention
8. Discussion Resolutions
9. Discussion of Voting Procedures Conferences
10. Election of delegate and alternate (s) to Prairie Regional Convention
11. Next meeting date
12. Adjournment
Interested in becoming involved in supporting Human Rights at the workplace and in the community?
We need members who want to work on activities that revolve around human rights and those human rights issues that affect our members, their families and friends and those in our communities in a positive environment. The EHR Committee’s goal is to build on our strengths in the PSAC and develop partnerships with other unions and community organizations committed to working towards a better life for all.
Discussion on Progress for the Coat Drive
Asking Members to Draft up Resolutions for upcoming Elections
Discussion of Resolutions
Preparation for up Coming Tri-Annual Convention
Christmas Parade Discussion
New Ideas and Events for the Holidays