Prince Albert Area Council Meeting Minutes

Prince Albert Area Council Meeting
January 20th, 2014

In attendance: Tim Hogan USGE; Trudy Lerat UNE; FranceTremblay-Franc CEIU; Denni Ernst USGE; Frank MacGregor APSAR; Louise Mardell PSAC Rep 

Review of Previous Minutes

Discussion regarding the status of the Area Council

Brother Hogan presented a draft proposal to be sent to the REVP for response.  The proposal includes rationale for the validity of the elections held in Sept. 2013.  Proposal was discussed, amended and agreed upon as follows. 

I have checked our by-laws and the meeting wherein we elected a new executive does not contravene any of them.

In discussion and consultation with the geographical representative I have phoned and e-mailed all locals in an effort to increase participation in the area council.  I will be doing so once again this month.  We will schedule meetings on the 1st Monday of every 2 months in the calendar year with the exception of the summer months July and August.  One of the reasons for poor participation has been has a result of geographical locations that is people having to travel too great a distance to Prince Albert.   In an attempt to address this I purpose that we take two approaches.  The first one would be to hold meetings via SKPE/conference calls and the second would be to consider holding occasional meetings in locations other than Prince Albert.   

Cost:  the anticipated cost of this action plan would be minimal.  The only expense that we may encounter that would be over and above would be if we held a meeting outside of Prince Albert and had to incur travel. 

The next meeting is planned for Feb. 10 in anticipation that we will now be considered active so that we can nominate a representative to convention and put forward any resolutions that the committee may have.  

It was decided that no motions or further actions would be taken until it is verified by the REVP whether or not the committee is considered active and in good standing.  

Sister Ernst discussed the possibility of PRC supporting the removal of the Geographic rep.  Group discussion regarding the benefits of this position and how it could be supported if a resolution comes forward at convention. 

Brother Frank McGregor discussed some concerns facing retirees and provided his updated contact information to be shared.  He also requested that a motion be considered to request the APSAR logo be added to all PSAC correspondence. 

Brother Hogan presented an update in regards to Tony Clements plans to stop accumulation of sick leave.  This will be a battle for the Area Council to take on.  He indicated that Sister Benson stated that PSAC will not negotiate such changes to sick leave. 

A round table regarding work place issues which included – more work than can be handled, upset clients for long wait times, alternation process not helping, no on site help for pay and benefits etc.       

-Louise provided an update on the education plans. Currently scheduled TUB course and Advanced representation (joint with Regina).  Discussed the need to prepare for strike – strike training.

Group discussion on need for Convention Prep and Admin duties for Committees and Locals. 

Once again next meeting planned for Feb. 10th with agenda items to include election of delegate to convention. 

Meeting adjourned.

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