PSAC sisters 'Rise' in Lethbridge

PSAC Sisters in Lethbridge stood together in solidarity with the One Billion Rising movement to demand an end to violence against women. They also took the opportunity to recognize Have a Heart Day by supporting First Nations children to grow up safely at home, get a good education, be healthy, and proud of their cultures.  

"We feel these are such important issues," explains Shannan Little, PSAC member with Agriculture Local 30048. "We made signs during our lunch hour and went out at coffee to take the photo and collect signed letters. Our Local tries to ensure we always have a presence at local women's events."

Little also co-organized a virtual One Billion Rising event in Lethbridge, which gave additional publicity and support to the initiative.

"As many women live in rural areas, including First Nations women on two local reserves, we wanted to ensure everyone had a chance to participate by taking photos or video of themselves rising. This was our contribution to this project."
