Regina AC Minutes (Oct 2011)

Minutes from the October 25th, 2011 Regina Area Council meeting

Revised Regina and District Area Council

Meeting Minutes

October 25th, 2011

at the SGEU building on 1440 Broadway, Regina, SK.



Melissa Brandt, L40064 - Vice President (Co-Chair)

Lorrie Bucknell, L40013 - Secretary/Treasurer

Linked in by telephone - Milton Dyck - Regional Vice President Agriculture South Saskatchewan

Geraldine Starr,  L40064

Janette Husak,  L40064

Steve Van Opstal, President L40229

Eric Bryan Thomson, Vice President Human Rights Committee L40229

Gary J Sparvier, Assistant RVP, L40064

Sandra Ahenakew, L40064

Tracey Brass, L40064

Suzanne Huggins, L40064

Bruce Cook, L40022

Tracy Stevens, L40064

Connie Gress, L40064

Anilise Otten, L40064

Satinder Bains, L4A008

Lisa Garnier, PSAC



This meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm.  

1.         Adoption of Meeting Agenda.  Gary Sparvier made a motion to adopt the Agenda, Suzanne Huggins 2nd the motion.  Carried.

2.         Roundtable introductions.

3.        Review of September Meeting Minutes were read aloud by Melissa Brandt.

Connie Gress made a motion to adopt the minutes of previous meeting held September 13, 2011, Steve Van Opstal.  Open for Discussion - continue to collect toietries and distrubute to the Kruetzer house and the women’s shelter.  All in favour, Carried.

4.        Business Arising from Minutes:

  • Peacemaker’s Breakfast

There was discussion on the Peacemaker’s Breakfast - 10th Annual at the Regina Inn on Oct 11, 2011.  We sponsored a table of 8 seats for a total of $80.00.  Emails were sent to get members to attend. 1 of the 8 seats was used by Service Canada.

5.         Financial Report

Lorrie was not aware that she had to give a financial report as she is new and will be prepared for the next meeting.  Lisa Garnier advised that she requires a copy of the banking statements.  Robyn Benson will be given a copy as well.

NOTE: We extend our sincere gratitude for Sister Benson providing lunch for the volunteers who stuffed envelopes and Sister Connie Gress for providing the Apple Strudel

6.         New Business

  • Unions of Regina Christmas Dinner
  1. The Unions of Regina is requesting donations for the Christmas Dinner.  It is a challenge to locals to make a financial contribution to the dinner.
  2. Suggested that Area Council make a donation by Connie Gress.
  3. Suzanne Huggins announced that Local #40064 made a $150 donation and thanked her local for participating.
  4. Connie Gress suggested that members donate to the Regina Women’s Committee and the RWC will write one cheque from the Locals of Regina.
  5. Bruce Cook - Discussion about member’s money being handled to make donations to charities not allowed UTE, PIPSC, CTRA - he will be having a meeting tomorrow and see if something can be agreed on

Connie made a motion to donate $100 from the Area Council to the Unions of Regina Christmas Dinner, Satinder Bains seconded the motion.  Carried.

Tracy Brass and Anilise Otten left the meeting at 7:07 pm.

  • Souls Harbour - RWC proposal to sponsor dinner
  1. Suggestion to sponsor and provide volunteers on a date which is mutually picked and supply a weekend meal PSAC suggested approximately $300 or $400 per Committee.  Connie Gress suggested we pick a date in February, after christmas is over.  Connie advised that she is willing to talk with Souls Harbour about participating.  There is interest and discussion amongst the meeting.
  • Other Business

Resolution (See attached)


  1. PSAC pays CLC and Federation of Labour fees.  What they don’t do is pay labour councils.  Must require local unions to be afflicated with Labour Council 40064 is only one paying.  PSAC should be paying to the labour councils.  For Regina is works out to be 20 cents per person per month.  This may require a dues increase.  CLC has had other unions to follow the constitutional obligations.  If we want support from other unions when we need them, then we have to contribute and participate.  Some locals are not very big and it may be a strain for them to contribute.  Whatever it should end up that PSAC should pay.  Regina Labour Council has 25,000 members.
  2. The policy should be reviewed “Review their policy” and PSAC be in compliance and pay.

Connie Gress made a motion to adopt resolution , seconded by Suzanne.

More discussion:

  1. Steve Van Opstal - didn’t we forward to Prairies Regional Convention.  Yes but it didn’t make it to the floor.
  2. Connie - this is being brought up again.
  3. Steve Van Opstal - commented - they had sent a member to a workshop, had to pay for the member to attend the workshop on Safety on the job, but when he approached his local they are always worried about the cost.  If the floor approved it, it would be their task to make the decisions.
  4. Milton Dyck - was this resolution sent out earlier.  Response was No.
  5. Bruce Cook - In principal, I am in favour of it, but its been a sticky point.  When it comes time for PSAC to come to the table and supor this, some of our components are financially not in a position to contribute.    Connie - This can be achieved by PSAC
  6. Bruce Cook - If PSAC does not pay for it the the locals might have to contribute the whole amount.  If we say this information in the Resolution it may only be 20 cents per person instead of the local paying for the entire amount.  PSAC should pay the affliation fees directly to all 3 levels.

Amendment moved by Bruce Cook and 2nd by Steve Van Opstal.

Voting on main motion as amended. Carried.

Resolution is carried as amended.


7.         Election of Delegate and Alternate to 2012 PSAC Convention

Members who are voting:

Connie Gress - RWC                                                                           Lorrie Bucknell - RADC

Bruce Cook - local                                                                               Mellisa Brandt - RADC

Suzanne Huggins - local                                                                        Lisa Garnier - PSAC local

Gary J Sparvier - Human Rights                                                            Janette Husak- local

Steven Van Opstal - local                                                                     Eric Bryan Thomson - local

Satinder Bains - local                                                                            Milton Dyck - RVP Agriculture Union


Nominations are for a Delegate.

  • Lorrie Bucknell nominated Melissa Brandt, seconded by Connie Gress.  Melissa Brandt accepted the nomination. 3 minute speech.
  • Eric Bryan Thomson nominated Steve Van Opstal, seconded by Janette Husak.  Steve Van Opstal accepted the nomination. 3 minute speech.

Steve Van Opstal was elected to attend 6 to 5 votes.

Nominations are for an Alternate Delegate.

  • Suzanne nominated Melissa Brandt, seconded by Satinder Bains.  Melissa Brandt accepted the nomination.
  • no other nominations

Melissa Brandt  was elected as Alternate Delegate to attend.


Next meeting date January 10, 2012 at 6:00 pm at the PSAC office on 13th Avenue.

Arrangements need to be made with Diane Allen to book the boardroom and post next meeting date on the website and send notices.

Meeting adjourned at 8:05 pm.


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