Regina Area Council Meeting Minutes

 Minutes from the August 13, 2013 Regina & District Area Council Meeting

Present:  Melissa Brandt – ChairBrett Pollard – Secretary; Satinder Bains – Vice-Chair;
Dan Grunert - Treasurer; Shaun Brennand – PRC AC Representative; Ed Janis - APSAR;
Bryan Thompson - L40229; Steve Van Opstal - L40229; Diane Allen - PSAC Regional Representative 

The meeting commenced at 5:35 p.m. 

The purpose of the meeting was to plan for Area Council booth to be setup in Wascana Park during the Regina Dragon Boat Festival.  The booth must be setup by 7 a.m. and can be taken down by 6 p.m.  It was estimated that if 4 hour shifts were established with 3 volunteer workers per shift a total of 12 volunteers would be required to man the booth. 

Sister Diane indicated she would gather all of the items needed and place them in the office adjacent to hers for Sister Melissa to pick up on the Friday.  Sister Melissa will bring a table; there is a shelter to use.  Brother Brett agreed to pickup the helium tank from A-1 rentals; he will also return it.  Sister Diane will complete and submit the vendor application this week.  Volunteers should be reminded to bring lots of water.  There was a discussion about covering the cost of a meal for volunteers. 

M/S/C                   Dan/Steve 

That Area Council cover the cost of meal expenses in the amount of $15.00 per volunteer to a maximum of $200.00 

The meeting adjourned at 6:10 p.m. 

Next meetings:  August 27 (sort school supplies) and September 25.

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