Regina Human Rights Committee Minutes (December 8, 2015)

Human Rights Committee Meeting December 8, 2015
1)    Call to order:    5:45 pm
In attendance:    Brett Pollard, Satinder Bains, Tim Hubick, Sandra Ahenakew, Michelle Lang, Daniela Aubichon, Keith Gauthier
Brett is sending around a sign in sheet – please include your contact information.
2)    Adoption of Agenda – Daniela (M) Satinder (S) carried
3)    Where is the HR committee now? Co-chair Michael Schell has taken another job and will be away for approximately 9 months.
ACTION ITEM Sandra will contact Marianne Hladun and find out what the HR committee needs to do to be a committee in good standing. Sandra will forward Marianne response onto Brett to share with the rest of the committee.
4)    The HR committee has not gone to the bank to change the signing authority since the AGM. We need to provide the bank with the minutes from the AGM and have the signing authorities changed. Need to have at least three cheque signers. Committee will proceed once we get feedback from REVP.

Satinder: It’s important that the committee get back into good standing before PRC Convention and Triennial so that we have our delegates. We could call an early AGM and start fresh.

Financial Discussion around reporting requirements. Brett will take home the Binder with past financial records.

5)    GLBT not included in RCMP job postings as an equity group. Tim Hubick would like the HR committee to help draft a resolution for convention.
Satinder moved that the HR committee assist brother Hubick draft a resolution Micelle seconded. Motion was passed
Michelle: You can submit resolutions on the same topic from multiple committees. They can come from Human Rights, Women’s Committee or Area Council. 

6)    UNE Human Rights Calendar. Sandra: The UNE is going to publish another Human Rights calendar and have asked if HR Committees would like to submit pictures
Michelle moved that Sandra set up a time to take a picture of the Regina Human Rights Committee to submit to UNE. Tim seconded. Motion carried

7)    Next meeting is scheduled for January 5, 2015 at the PSAC office.

8)    Michelle moved to adjourn meeting Satinder seconded motion passed 

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