Regina RWC Minutes (January 2, 2015)

Women’s Committee Meeting For January

Attendees: Michelle Lang, Daniela Aubichon, Raelene Ramnes, and Debbi Bernhardt

Called To order at 5:32 pm

It has been decided that we will be changing our account to Conexus for Scotia Bank. Conexus don’t charge fees. Michelle and Daniela will be closing our current account and reopen it at Conexus.

Daniela did look around at for a lady self defence instructor, unfortunately could not find one. These classes where going to take place on March 7/2015 but have been postponed due to conflicting schedules. We are looking at new dates and a place to hold the classes. The classes will be 3 hrs long and we will have 2 sessions. One in the morning 9 to 12 and then one in the afternoon 1 to 4 with 12 to 13 women per class.  We will asking for a $10 dollar donation that will be going to the Isabelle Johnson Center.

Next meeting will be February 24/2015 at 5:30.

Meeting was adjourned at 6:20     

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