Regina RWC Minutes (March 26, 2013)

Minutes from the Regina Regional Women`s Committee March 26, 2013


In Attendance                         
Diane Allen-PSAC Rep, Lorena Doyle-conference call, Michelle Lang-co chair, Laura Ursu-Chair, Antoinette Pelletier-secretary, Debbie Bernhardt, Sandra Clarke

Resolutions Meeting

Commencing at 615

Nettie brought forward 3 resolutions that were discussed at the previous meeting .

Childcare was one, Domestic violence awareness training and Care program and advocacy for family members that are not dependants. 

We discussed the 3 resolutions and needed to work on the language and formatting

The privatization in Banff was briefly discussed and the need to make the public more aware.

Laura would like to us to hold a movie night after the regional women`s conference in Banff.

April 9th is the budget meeting.

Meeting adjourned

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