Saskatoon Area Council Minutes (May 2012)

Present: Gary Cherneske, AGR; Karen Zoller, AGR; Nicole Wurm, AGR; Jackie Nettlton, AGR; Nancy Johnson, UTE; Mike Brecht, CEIU; Diane Tate, CEIU; Karen Clarke, CEIU.
Regrets: Carol Casey
Meeting started at 5:20pm
Minutes from April 18th were reviewed and accepted.
Carol Casey sent a requestfor a union contact for the Federal Youth Network, as well as a call out for any members who would be interested in joining the Network.
Day of Caring, June 6th – Volunteers needed. Day begins with 8am pancake breakfast at the YWCA, followed by tending the Memorial Garden at the Girl Guide’s House on Preston Ave. and Main St., Saskatoon.
Public Service Week, June 11-15th
• $8,000 budget to split between Prince Albert and Saskatoon Area Councils for Public Service Week event(s).
o Saskatoon Area Council to put on BBQ tentatively for Thursday, April 14th starting at 5 or 5:30pm at Kinsment Park, downtown Saskatoon.
o Nancy Johnson to look into obtaining a park permit for the event (if required).
o Gary Cherneske to look into what we can get at Prairie Meats for meat and BBQ as well as at McGavin’s Bakery for buns.
o Karen Zoller presented costs from Boryski’s Butcher Block.
o Jackie Nettleton to look into purchasing drinks and cake from either Costco or Co-op (with a possible logo on the cake).
o Will hand out stickers, water bottles, and other things at the BBQ, and will possibly hold a draw for a prize.
o Will invite quests from the Canadian Labour Congress to attend.
o Nicole Wurm to send out email updates for BBQ event.
• Employer ‘s Public Service BBQ on either April 14th or 15th.
o Discussion on actions for members to participate in at the Employer’s event(s) include: wearing black, handing out mock “pink slips” (while wearing pink slips) or pink pieces of paper with a related message to the job cuts as people get their hamburgers, arrange for a mass call in for sick leave the next day.
o Nancy Johnson to contact Marianne Hladun, REVP, about appropriate actions(s).
o Nancy Johnson to research previous messages used for similar events.
Other Action
• Send MPs “pink slips” and affected letters similar to what government employees have received.
• Jackie Nettleton to speak with Rosemary Neufeld regarding date of the Warman Rodeo so we can set up a booth to hand out “We are all affected” materials.
• Louise Mardell has put together a “We are all affected” campaign proposal of activities and budget, including ideas such as posting profiles of public service employees across Canada to celebrate our commitment, profile individuals who received their surplus letters and have them tell their story, and set up booths during the summer to hand out “We are all affected” materials in Prince Albert and Saskatoon.
• Gary Cherneske is President and Karen Zoller is Vice President of Local 40022.
Meeting ended at 6:30pm

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