Saskatoon and District Area Council Meeting Minutes (June 11, 2015)

Saskatoon and District Area Council Meeting
June 11, 2015

Present: Mike Brecht CEIU, Jaquie Young Health Canada, Garry Cherneske Ag, Evelyn Jackson UNDE, Elena Beynon Ag (AC VP), Louise Mardell Staff, Karen Zoller Ag, Jackie Nettleton Ag (AC Pres.)

Report on PSAC Triennial Convention:  

Reported highlights were that the convention had authorized up to 5 million dollars to raise awareness and fight back against the cuts to public services caused by the Harper Conservatives. The convention had approved funding for regional conferences for racially visible members and an increase in strike pay for the territories. IT also approved funding to develop a course for women aboriginal members. Jackie passed out a summary of resolutions resulting in a dues increase. However, it was noted that the dues increase was minimal.
Public Service Week:  

PSAC is boycotting employer activities. Locals are doing their own individual activities with their members; wearing red, doing lunch & learns, holding prize draws etc.  It was decided that the Area Council would not add to what the locals were planning but would participate with CUPE and other public sector workers in the bbq in Rotary Park on June 21 and encourage members to attend. It was noted that this conflicts with National Aboriginal Persons’ Day.
Louise advised that information packages were being sent out electronically and that pins, stickers, and hand sanitizers were available for distribution at local events.
Pride Parade: 

Members are to meet at the regional office at 12:15. The parade starts at 1:00 and will start on Spadina by the Bess. this year.
Political Action: 

Louise advised that the CLC will be continuing with their Better Choices campaign. She expects that the regional office will be receiving supplies shortly and that political action training will be available.
Mike Brecht wrote a letter to the editor on our issues that was printed in Saskatchewan papers. He said it is important to get our message out and we can’t just always be preaching to the choir. 
Louise said that several USGE members (about 30) had written letters which they shared with the regional office.
Evelynn addressed the problem of Bill 377. There is some thought that it can’t even be passed as a private member’s bill since it would result in increased expenses for CRA to police it. 

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