Saskatoon Women's Committee Meeting Minutes

Minutes from the Jan 23, 2014 Saskatoon RWC Meeting

Minutes of the Saskatoon RWC
January 23, 2014
Meeting #1

Attendance :

Chair Nancy Johnson (UTE),  Nicole Wurm (AGR), Karen Zoller (AGR), Jacque Maurice (UTE)
PSAC Staff Rep : Louise Mardell 

Agenda items: 

Convention Info
Upcoming EventsMeeting Minutes – template
SFL Conference 

Nancy provided general overview of Regional Women’s Committee:

  • Mandated to meet minimum 4x per year
  • Budget comes from Prairie Regional Council and National, allocated every 3 years at convention
  • 6 active regions: Regina, Calgary, Edmonton, Saskatoon, Winnipeg and Lethbridge
  • When committees are established there needs to be three components who have interested members to form the committee
  • One delegate elected to convention (2 weeks written notice prior election of delegate)
  • RWC had one row at the Food bank community garden, she thanked the members for their participation and committee would like to volunteer again in 2014.  We had a very successful garden.
  • RWC is looking into a memorial in partnership with the City of Saskatoon, as Dec 6, 2014 is the 25th anniversary.  Nancy has contacted the Victoria RWC chair, who will be providing details of their similar project.
  • December 6th events were held in Saskatoon at the Thomas More College cafeteria on the Sunday and Friday there was a shoe display at city hall.  Despite the cold (-50) there were several PSAC members in attendance and there was great media coverage.

1.  Convention:

  • there are no exchanges of money as money allocated was kept for simplicity sake
  • registration due Feb 12, not enforced for committees
  • Resolutions due March 5th, 2014
  • Convention June 27 – 29, 2014 in Saskatoon
  • Proposed Resolutions Writing Workshop, scheduled for February 11th, 2014 at the RO
  • Delegate selection to be February 11th at 5:15 then proceed with Resolutions writing workshop

2. Host Committee:

  • Jan 30, Thursday 6pm
  • Louise to forward minutes in reminder email
  • Will discuss theme

3.  Budget:

  • Must be completed and to the REVP’s office by March 15
  • Would like to include a Saskatoon themed basket from RWC to present at convention
  • Nancy asked members in attendance to start thinking of any projects that we could get involved in the community so we can include in budget line items

4.  Financials:

  • Some minor changes to the Reporting & Funding document that will be provided shortly
  • Need auditors – Jacque & Karen volunteered
  • November and December statements not in RWC mail slot. Suggested that once they are reviewed from Louise, if they could be scanned and sent to Elena and Nancy for our records.
  • Updated statements not available for bank balance

5. Meeting templates:

  • Nancy stated that she will be working with communications and education officer to create formatted templates for the committees, so that they are consistent when being submitted.  Such as meeting #, as we need 4 per year, bank balance as of…, attendees, note taker, actions to be completed etc.   She will keep the committees posted on updates

5.  Upcoming Events:

                National Women’s Day

  • March 8 – International Women’s Day Brunch – Louis Pub 11am
  • Will sponsor  10 tickets if possible
  • Andrea Cote – provides materials (posters etc..) for National Women’s Day

                SFL Spring School

  • March 31 to April 4th in Humboldt

                 SFL Pensions Conference

  • February 26 to 28 in Regina
Our Organization: