Satinder Bains PRC Report (Sept. 2014)

Satinder Bains
Regina Area Council Rep
Prairie Region Council September 2014 

This is the first report to the PRC Council, most of the summer I was away on holidays so my union activity was pretty quiet. Now as we head into September I will be attending all the Area Council and Regina Human Rights meetings. This will be a very busy time as Bargaining will be the main topic for all our members. 

As my union rep capacity I did attend at the RCMP Depot Locals seminars where the Civilian members will be becoming PSAC members. In my union capacity I was to answer questions to PSE's or CM's regarding what it means to be a part of the union. Our next session in Regina will be October. We're delivering several of these sessions in anticipation of COE deeming, a mix of PSE's and CM's are attending the seminars. One of the main objectives of this course is to provide CM's and new PSE's with information about what HR looks like for public service employees. We have no new information to date on when/if deeming will occur, but are trying to be proactive in getting information out there. 

In Solidarity, 

Satinder Bains 

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