Susan Norman PRC Report (June 2014)

Susan Norman
Westman Area Council Representative

As elected Westman Area Representative the past three years have been an up and down roller coaster ride.

In 2012 we were in full Work Force Adjustment mode. We had seen many of our members lose their jobs to the downsizing that the current government saw fit to do. The sad part of this is that the members left have to do more with less resources but continue to take pride in the job they do.

We saw many valuable programs cut, such as the Shelter Belt and Community Pasture programs. We say EI leave Brandon and members either moving to another province or take the WFA package. We saw members being forced into SERLO processes, which pitted member against member is some cases. We now see the employer hiring but of course these positions are term positions and in some cases they are using casual staff or students to fill in for our members lost jobs.

I have to say the highlight for me in this whole process was being able to hand Tony Clement his own affected letter when he came to Brandon. All I can say if looks could kill I would not writing this report.

Westman Area Council is still challenged in getting all the Components involved and excited about the Area Council and having them attend our meetings. As we go into Collective Bargaining I am sure we will be able to get more members out to meetings as the message is “No Concessions” which seems to have the member’s attention as well as the “Sick Leave” issue. We will continue to strive to achieve an active Council.

I continue to attend the Brandon Labour Council Meetings on a regular basis to bring awareness of issues within the Westman area as time permits. I am sad to say that the Westman Area Women’s Committee has been a struggle to maintain and is currently inactive. We will continue to try and create interest in the Area Women’s Committee which. I have also attended the regular meetings of the Prairie Region Council and participated in conference calls as required.

Westman Area Council over the past few tears has been involved with the United Way Christmas Tree Auction. This has been a great way to get members involved within the community and give back.

I have had the privilege and opportunity to attend numerous workshops and conferences that have assisted me in my union role.

I strongly believe in our members and that we have a huge challenge ahead of us and our union in future months a majority government. We will promote in the Westman Area that our members get involved and aware of election issues and how they affect each one of us. The “We Are All Affected” Campaign has to move forward more now than ever as erosion of services to Canadians that we provide deteriorate. Together we stand strong.

In Solidarity,

Susan Norman
Westman Area Representative on the Prairie Region Council

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