Timothy Hunt PRC Report (Jan. 2014)

Timothy Hunt
Prairie Region Council January 2014

November 18th - 22nd - National Human Rights Conference

First time ever all the five equity groups met in Toronto for this “mega conference”.   Lots of things  worked, some didn’t, timing was a luxury.    Great speakers, again not enough time.  Hotel was very accommodating though, but the rooms were all over the place!!   Workshops were very well run, content was better and facilitators were more “engaging”.   Met with all of our ten Pride delegates and “beaded” them for their attendance.

December 10th - 11th AFL – Executive Meeting

AFL goes on a different tangent with committees, closing all and re-inventing only four new ones.   Growing pains will surely be next.

AFL also goes after the provincial government on several different topics (including bills 45 & 46).   AFL gets new home near the corner of 124th Street & Jasper Avenue (fully operational as of January 09th.

December 12th - 13th – NHRC Meeting (Ottawa)

This meeting was cancelled (again!!), now rescheduled for March 03rd & 04th.   Many items we couldn’t work on got pushed aside again.   Conference calls are not enough, we haven’t had a face to face meeting since December 2012.
