The Public Service Alliance of Canada stands behind Saskatchewan’s Official Opposition as they prepare to introduce a private member’s bill to create an asbestos registry of all public buildings under the Public Health Act.
Every year, PSAC members invest in their communities by supporting their local United Way. Annual fundraising drives have kicked off across the Prairie Region and we’re asking Prairies members to reach into their pockets and continue their pattern of giving generously to an important community-focused charity.
In June, the United Way of Saskatoon and Area said goodbye and thank you to Marianne Hladun for six years of service to the organization and our community. Marianne served as a United Way board member from June 2006 – June 2012. We were not able to thank Marianne publicly at the United Way AGM as she was already hard at work in Winnipeg as Regional Executive Vice-President for the PSAC Prairie Region.