Volunteers Needed for Summer Snack Program

The Saskatoon and District Labour Council sponsors the “Summer Snack Program” to feed lunch to inner city children during the summer.  These children are provided with lunches during the school year but unfortunately, many of them are left to fend for themselves during the summer.  For some children, these lunches are their only daily meal. 

The Summer Snack program relies on donations of food from local businesses and the gift of time from kind hearted volunteers.  

The PSAC Saskatoon Regional Women’s Committee believes in the program and has committed to providing two (2) volunteers every Wednesday from July 22nd to August 26th.  Volunteers are needed from 11 a.m. to approximately 2:00 p.m., and will meet at W.P. Bate School 2515 18th Street West, to prepare the food and then travel to six inner city parks to distribute it.

You do not have to be a PSAC member to volunteer.  Everyone at your workplace, your friends or relatives can participate.  

If you want to volunteer please contact:

Nancy Johnson via email @ nancyjo@sasktel.net, by 
cell @ 306-381-0169 (texting permittted )

We look forward to seeing you this summer

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