Westman Area Council - October 30, 2013

Westman Area Council

30 Oct 2013, 5:00 PM

Double Decker Restaurant

Meeting called by: Glen Johnston

Type of meeting:

Note taker:  Roy R Clark

Attendees: Glen Johnston, Roy Clark, Susan Norman, Trudy Taylor and Randy Walker.

Visitors None


The meeting was called to order at 5: 15 PM by Glen Johnson.

Regrets:  Martin Kaminski and Jeff Sexton.

PSAC Harassment Statement

  • Susan Norman has agreed to be the PSAC harassment advisor for this meeting.

Previous Minutes

  • The previous minutes were read and accepted as read .


• Fairness Works campaign from the Canada Labour Congress. This is a low

key campaign from Oct 7 to November 17.

• PSAC website & e-mail. An examination regarding public and private sector

sick leave. When all factors are regarded there is approximately a one day

difference between these groups and when the public sector is a much older


• Young Workers Forum. There is no local presence for this; however, Winnipeg

does have a group.

• Pay in Arrears. Due to the work of PSAC this initiative will only affect Terms

and new hires at this time.

• BDLC requested information regarding the numbers of people that have been

affected by work force adjustment. PSAC provided those numbers.

• PSAC provided a synopsis of Bill C-4. There are many points of concern

regarding this budget implementation act.

• PSAC calls on government to introduce a new modern public service labour

law. This may be in response to Bill C-4.

• PSAC sent information regarding the new Union Development Program. They

are looking for members that are interested in this education program to

develop emerging union activists.

• PSAC sent additional information regarding the omnibus budget bill. This

notice points out 8 items in the bill that would seriously undermine health &

safety protections in the CLC covering federal workers.

• Federal By-Election. We received a request from WAC that we do something

together prior to the by-election. Considered a phone call-out to encourage

members to vote. A town hall meeting on the week of the 11th was suggested.

Susan will contact BOLC and check if they are planning anything, that we

could join in on.

• PSAC had a press conference regarding Bill C-4 on October 25th

• The Winnipeg office passed on information and letters encouraging members

to vote in the upcoming Federal By-Election. They will be hosting a town hall


• BOLC will be hosting a bake sale on the 3td of November from 2 to 4 PM.


President's Report

  • He has been busy with local matters, and informed those present that changes to

the area councils are upcoming. Posters etc. may be done at the Winnipeg office instead

of by area council members.


Treasurer's Report

  • The current bank balance is about 200.00 and we have not received an allotment

this year.


New Business

  • Christmas Tree  -  We have received an application for this year and the

registration fee is 125.00. We are not likely to get funds to purchase a tree, although we

may get money for the registration, presents and tree decorations. We have received

250.00 from the BOLC in a cost sharing agreement. The President will contact UNOE at

Shilo regarding them teaming up with us as well. Discussed how much to request from

the Region, we still need to know about the family for presents. If we commit to the

Christmas Tree we will not be able to make any donations. Members will check and see

how much we can get and how we will have to spend it.

  • By-Election  -  The matter was discussed during correspondence as there was so

much information.

  • Bargaining   -  UNDE bargaining conference will be held in November. The

collective agreements are coming due. Electronic copies of the TC group are now


  • Meetings  -  We need to generate interest and involvement with area members.

It was suggested that we hold executive meetings 2 weeks prior instead of 1 week. This

will get the agenda poster out to the members earlier. We may have to move the

meetings back to halls.

  • Regional Women's Committee  -  There was concern from Glen regarding the

number of meetings that have been held.

  • Annual General Meeting  -  The will be held in February as per our By-laws.

Elections for the next AGM are the Vice-President and the Secretary. This meeting is

also required to make any By-laws changes, the coming year's budget and the Audit of

the previous year's financials.

  • Regional Convention  -  The next Regional Convention is 27-29 June and

will be held in Saskatoon. We will have to elect a area council rep to the convention and

may have to send credentials without a name. The Convention call out has not happened

yet; however, it will most likely be soon.

  • Points from Around the Table


  • Adjournment

A motion to adjourn was made at 6:35 PM. The motion was carried.

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