Winnipeg Area Council Minutes - October 23, 2013

Winnipeg Area Council

Wed October 23, 2013 



Gus Mardli, Steven Cabak, Gloria Kelly, Shelley Jamieson (PSAC Staff)


1- Call to Order at 5:30 pm

2- PSAC Statement on Harassment – agreed by all

3- Adoption of Agenda- adopted as presented

4- Adoption of Minutes from June 4 meeting ( moved by G Mardli and seconded by S Cabak)

5- President’s Report – nothing to report

6- Treasurer’s Report –Treasurer absent so report will wait until next meeting.

7- Update on summer 2013 activities: The main activity was the PSAC booth at Red River Exhibition in June.   The booth was a successful undertaking with both staff and members sharing the work load. A significant number of Manitobans were met and spoken with about issues affecting all Canadians, services that are expected by Canadians and how those services are provided.  This booth is an ideal way to let Manitobans know many of the federal services they depend on are provided by their neighbours and community activists.

8- Update Leadership meeting an campaigner training: This meeting was held in May and was well attended by locals in the Manitoba area. In addition to local activists there were national and regional officers from some components in attendance. Following this meeting pledge cards were distributed to locals and the issue now is getting those signed cards back to PSAC.  The regional office staff is willing and able to assist locals if they need to plan site specific activities to get cards signed.

9- Update on Labour Day Events: While PSAC did not have a specific event for Labour Day all PSAC members were invited to attend the Labour Day picnic co-sponsored by the MFL/CLC.  The event we believe was a good networking activity for members of the labour movement and their families.

10- 2013 Fall Activity Planning:

(i) The first item here discussed was what and how we can do reference the upcoming by-election in then riding of Provencher. It was agreed we will look at two activities: a mail out to all members in that riding encouraging them to get out and vote and second we will check with the MFL/CLC/District Labour Council to see if they are planning any town hall events that we may be able to tap into. Given the timing of the by-election right after the PSAC National Equity Conference to which most of our members are going it is not thought that a phone bank will be feasible this time around. That said a call-in town hall such as was done before might be doable if there are enough members in that riding. Shelley will get us the list of members in the riding and check with Jeffrey to see if we have a copy of the letter sent to members during the last federal election. Gloria will check with our labour partners on potential sharable events. Gloria will also draft a possible work plan for presentation to Marianne.

(ii) Seasonable celebration 2013 – this year it is the responsibility of the Regional Women’s Committee but Area Council is happy to support and contribute its share.

11- Roundtable: Gus noted that at the next meeting we should have a better handle on what PSAC is looking to do in terms of fight back on the current plans laid out in the Speech from the Throne and budget implementation bill.

12- Next meeting – Date of next meeting will be 4 December 2013

13- Meeting adjourned at 6:35

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