Winnipeg HRC Mandate & Objectives


The Winnipeg and Area Human Rights Committee unequivocally supports the principles of human rights as proclaimed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights , the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms , and the Canadian Human Rights Act .

The Winnipeg and Area Human Rights Committee recognizes that there are members who have been and continue to be oppressed by discrimination. In order for these groups to achieve equity, specific attention and corrective actions are required. The Winnipeg and Area Human Rights Committee will not condone discriminatory actions taken on any grounds including Age, Race, Color, Sex, Marital Status, Family Status, Religion, National or Ethnic Origin, Disability, Sexual Orientation, Language, Political Belief, Union Activity or Criminal Record.

The Winnipeg and Area Human Rights Committee pledges to work toward the achievement of equity for all members, to eliminate discrimination and increase the participation of designated groups in the Workforce, Community and the Union.

1Universal Declaration of Human Rights
2Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
3Canadian Human Rights Act 


  • Promote Human rights issues through educational and sensitization measures aimed at the PSAC membership.
  • Initiate and support collective bargaining proposals for articles which further human rights goals.
  • Pressure the employer at all levels to end discriminatory practices, implement specific measures to eliminate barriers to union participation and redress past and present systemic discrimination, which have an adverse impact on the membership.
  • Lobby the Union at all levels to end discriminatory practices, implement specific measures to eliminate barriers to union participation and redress past and present systemic discrimination, which have an adverse impact on the membership.
  • Work with other organizations that have similar goals in improving benefits and conditions for the members of equity groups.
  • Continue to lobby for changes in legislation, including the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Employment Equity Act , to achieve full bargaining rights and full employment opportunities in the public service.
  • Gather written materials and support documents from the PSAC and other sources for membership use.

Revised Aug 2009
1 Employment Equity Act


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