2011 Prairie Region Convention Call-Out


The 5th Triennial Convention of the PSAC Prairie Region will be held in Winnipeg, Manitoba at the Fairmont Winnipeg Hotel beginning Friday, June 10, 2011 at 9:00 a.m. and concluding Sunday, June 12, 2011 at 12:30 p.m.

Each delegate, alternate, observer and guest must complete the credential forms below.  All completed credential forms for delegates and alternates must be signed by the President or another officer of the Local/Branch; Area Council; the Chair or Secretary of the Equity/Human Rights Committee; the Chair or Secretary of the Regional Women’s Committee. 

The credentials must be received in the Regional Executive Vice-President’s office no later than January 26th, 2011.

Input Call for Resolutions

Resolutions must be received no later than Wednesday, February 23, 2011and may be sent electronically to Prairie-Convention@psac.com followed by a signed hard copy.  Resolutions may be submitted in either traditional or plain language format.

Resolutions will be accepted from Locals, Branches, Regional Women’s Committees, Area Councils, and recognized PSAC Equity Committees; in good standing as per Section 9, Sub-Section (3)(b).  The By-Laws in its entirety can be found on the PSAC Prairie Region website.

Please send to Robyn Benson, Regional Executive Vice-President Prairie Region, at Suite 460 – 175 Hargrave Street, Winnipeg MB, R3C 3R8.

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