Alternation allows people who have been declared “opting” as a result of Work Force Adjustment to switch places (or alternate with) another employee who is willing to leave the public service.
The following verse was written by Sherry Hunt, a PSAC member of Agriculture Local 30048 in Lethbridge. After reading about the latest cuts to government––with a huge hit to Agriculture in the Prairies––Hunt reflected on the past couple years of a Harper majority and how our country has changed.
The National Board of Directors of the PSAC has unanimously endorsed a plan to protect our members against new threats to our Collective Agreement rights.
Generosity seems widespread among PSAC Prairies members in the more than 210 Locals across Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Agriculture Local 30048 in Lethbridge, Alberta is a shining example of this, with several inventive and effective initiatives in their workplace at the Lethbridge Research Centre to raise money and awareness.
The beef recall is the largest in Canadian history and is impacting the plant, the retail outlets, as well as our union Sisters and Brothers, and their friends and family. Please take a minute to read this article, prepared by the United Food and Commercial Workers, Local 401, about what's happening at Lakeside.
Members from Agriculture Union Local 30048 in Lethbridge attended the Take Back The Night event on Sept. 14, 2012 wearing their We Are All Affected t-shirts.