Separate Employer Delegates of the 2017 PSAC Prairie Regional Triennial Convention will elect a Separate Employer Representative to serve on the Prairie Regional Council for the remainder of the three-year term.
This report covers the period from the last PRC meeting in November 2019.
The federal election kicked off this reporting period. With the new elections act requirements, more coordination was required. Every member in the Prairies received a mailout with information on political party platforms. We launched an election page on our regional website to consolidate all election related event notices and information. While we were successful in getting some labour friendly MP’s elected, we also lost some great MP’s that were always ready to stand with our members.
Please note we are holding elections for the vacant position of South Saskatchewan Geographical representative for the Prairie Region Council. This notice has been sent to all Southern Saskatchewan local contacts requesting they ensure all members in their locals are provided this information.
Last month, a by-election for the position of Young Worker Representative on the Prairie Region Council (PRC) was called, following the resignation of Amanda-Rose Bourget who was elected to the position at the 2011 Prairies Regional Triennial Convention.
Dear Sisters & Brothers,The next meeting of the Prairie Region Council (PRC) will be held on Friday, October 12 and Saturday, October 13 in Regina, Saskatchewan. As per the PSAC Prairie Region By-Laws, Section 7(a), the PRC shall meet in session at least two times a year or upon the request of two-thirds of its members, to conduct a special meeting.
The 6th Triennial Prairie Region Convention will be held June 27-29, 2014 in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan at TCU Place, Saskatoon’s Arts & Convention Centre.
After more than 12 years as an active PSAC member, Sister Fran Mohr has retired from her job at Casino Regina, and will be stepping down as the Directly Chartered Locals (DCL) representative on the Prairie Region Council.
Sister Jennifer Borean has resigned from her position as the Southern Saskatchewan Geographic Representative on the Prairie Region Council. Brother Steve Van Opstal, the alternate in that position, will now join the Council.