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Change to PRC DCL rep

Brothers and Sisters,
After more than 12 years as an active PSAC member, Sister Fran Mohr has retired from her job at Casino Regina, and will be stepping down as the Directly Chartered Locals (DCL) representative on the Prairie Region Council.
Over the years, Fran has held various positions on her local executive, including VP of her department and secretary/treasurer. Most recently, she held the position of local president and was a strong leader during the Casino Regina strike in summer 2010. She also sat on the PRC finance committee.
On behalf of the entire Prairie Region Council, I wish Sister Fran all the best in retirement and for her future endeavors, and thank her for the work she has done to strengthen our union and her community.
Replacing Fran will be Petrina Runns, the PRC Directly Charted Locals Alternate elected at the 2011 Prairie Region Convention. Please join me in welcoming Sister Petrina to the Prairie Region Council.
In Solidarity,
Robyn Benson
REVP - Prairies
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