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Area Council in Winnipeg

September 26, 2017 - 12:00am •
Attendance: Lorelei Topnik Jamie Bonner James Cooke Gus Mardli Sheilagh Hanson Dawn MacAuley Yvonne Hein Serina Pottinger Greg Ballendine Tracy Grove Brett Rainboth GUEST: REVP Marianne Hladun
September 18, 2017 - 12:56pm •
Winnipeg Area Council Meeting Notice Tuesday September 26, 2017 at 5:30 pm
August 17, 2017 - 4:16pm •
On behalf of the Winnipeg Area Council you are invited to join us on Wednesday, August 23, 2017 from 11:40 AM - 1:00 PM in front of Honourable Jim Carr's office at 611 Corydon Avenue, Suite 102 to protest the Phoenix Pay System. MPs haven't listened to us. We need to be loud and clear about the Phoenix nightmares many of our members are going through. They are elected to represent us Canadians and this has gone on way too long. It is time they start taking it seriously and push their government to fix it once and for all.
August 9, 2017 - 12:00am •
Winnipeg Area Council; Meeting Minutes - Aug 9, 2017 Attendance: Lorelei Topnik, Jamie Bonner, Gus Mardli, Sheilagh Hanson, Yvonne Hein, Serina Pottinger, Tracy Grove, Pam Shaw, Susan Brown, Brett Rainboth, Greg Ballendine, Michael Westwell, Tracy Thor – PSAC Staff
July 17, 2017 - 3:34pm •
Winnipeg Area Council will be holding its next meeting on Wednesday, August 9 at 5:30 pm in the PSAC Boardroom. Please RSVP your attendance with the link above or email Monika Duggal at duggalm@psac-afpc.com or call our office at (204) 947-1601. Draft Agenda:
June 9, 2017 - 2:40pm •
It's Time to Rally Again! The Winnipeg Area Council wants to recognize and say THANK YOU for the great work you have done and continue to do! Our members have spent the past few years defending our collectively bargained rights, been subject to attacks by the former Conservative Government and many have suffered due to the Phoenix Pay System. It’s time to expand our base and unite our members as we move forward.
June 7, 2017 - 12:00am •
Attendance: Gus Mardli; Greg Ballendine; Lorelei Topnik; Frank Janz; Faye Kingyens; Jamie Bonner; Yvonne Hein; Tina Matias-Bouchard, PSAC Rep
May 15, 2017 - 3:24pm •
Winnipeg Area Council Meeting Notice Wednesday June 7, 2017 at 5:30 pm Winnipeg Regional Office 175 Hargrave Street, Suite 460 Winnipeg, MB Please RSVP (204)947-1601
May 3, 2017 - 12:00am •
Sisters, Brothers and Friends, On behalf of the Area Council I would like to thank each and every one of you who participated in making last year a very productive year with your Area Council.
May 3, 2017 - 12:00am •
Attendance: Gus Mardli; Tracy Grove; Tania Lachance; Cheryl Dubree; Greg Ballendine; Yvonne Hein; Serina Pottinger; Jamie Bonner; Lorelei Topnik; Sheilagh Hanson; Shelley Henn; Tania Lachance; Gloria Kelly; Faye Kingyens; Christine Dmyterko; Frank Janz; Chris Little-Gagné (via conference call); Regional Rep: Karoline Klug
