6th Annual School Supply Drive Game Day Collection

August 24, 2012
7:45 pm to 9:00 pm
Canad Inns Stadium, Winnipeg, Manitoba (Map)

6th Annual School Supply Drive Game Day Collection


When: Friday, August 24, 2012
Where: Meet at 5:45 pm at the Chapters parking lot on Empress, to receive their supplies and collection containers.
Collection starts at 6:00 pm (one hour before the game starts 7:00 pm)
Time: 5:45 - 7:00 pm
The PSAC Winnipeg Regional Women's Committee is looking for volunteers for the Blue Bombers game day school supply collection at Canad Inns Stadium, Friday August 24 from 5:45 pm - 7:00 pm. 
Volunteers will be stationed at the Canad Inn gates in a group to collect school supplies and monetary donations during the hour before kick-off. The Winnipeg Blue Bombers will be advertising the collection at the home game on the 16th.
To VOLUNTEER - email your name, phone number and email address to kimballd@psac.com  or call (204) 947-1601 Deanna Kimball-Cook. 
As well, a reminder that locals/branches can send school supply donations collected in your workplaces to the PSAC Winnipeg Regional Office (see attached poster)
In Solidarity,
PSAC Winnipeg Regional Women's Committee
Deanna Kimball-Cook
PSAC Winnipeg Regional Rep.
460 - 175 Hargrave Street - Winnipeg, Manitoba  R3C 3R8
phone: (204) 947-1601
fax: (204) 943-0652
e-mail: KimballD@psac.com
A Proud Member of the Canadian Union of Labour Employees
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