Westman Area Council
25 June 2019
BDLC Office
Attendees: Jeff Sexton (Chair), Martin Kaminski, Glen Johnston, Mike Weisgerber, Jennifer Grant, Susan Norman (APSAR), Randy Walker (observer)
Call to Order: Br Sexton called the meeting to order at 5:19pm.
PSAC Harassment Coordinator: Sr Grant appointed for the meeting.
Previous Minutes: Presented and approved. M – Br Weisgerber, S – Br Johnston. Carried
Treasurer’s Report: Sr Grant reported the current balance is $1140.11. $3700.00 allocation received from RO. Allotment for meetings is $250 less than requested. Br Johnston provided update from the PRC Finance Committee that meetings are limited to 6 per year at approx. $50 per meeting. Sr Grant made a motion for the meeting expenses and budgeted line item payments to be approved as follows:
$240 for BDLC table – approved by Marianne via email
$100 for Bdn Pride Parade to Br Weisgerber
$48.32 for meeting food to Sr Grant
$20.65 for meeting copying to Sr Grant
$500 to Women’s Resource Centre
Br Johnston seconded. Carried
Agenda: Request to add item by Br Weisgerber – Labour Council fees. S – Br Kaminski. Adopted as amended.
Agenda Items:
- Bargaining updates
- CRA – mediator unsuccessful, PIC next step
- Parks – progress in May meetings, looking for parity w/ other law enforcement agencies, 25 & out.
- FB – 25 & out, FB02’s
- CFIA – no new updates
- PA, EV, TC – still on going, PICs for all groups
- Phoenix Compensation – still lacking, still problems. Next Gen a possible solution.
- PRC update from May 24-26th meeting
- Women’s Conference coming up in Sept.
- AC annual financial instructions are not part of the bylaws and have been referred to the Committee for review. Original copies for the RO. Bank cards are to be used for online login only.
- Bylaws Committee – Mike was the Chair but has stepped down from the PRC
- Loss of Salary vs Pol Action – difference in budget lines
- Upcoming Prairies Convention – changes to Delegate seats
- REVP schedule – Marianne will be better at notifying members of visits
- 2 yr retention of records on hand, forward any older records for storage (7 yrs) to RO
- Chris and Magali tour
- Committees will have financial training sessions in Sept/Oct
- Lots of vacant PRC positions
- Convention update – June 2020. Strict timelines for applications and resolutions. Resolutions due Jan 31, 2020.
- AC’s need to get on Pol Actions
- DL Councils – Br Weisgerber brought forth a question about funding/subsidizing locals dues to the local labour councils. Other Regions are in support of this, wondering why aren’t we? Email will be forwarded to Marianne regarding possible subsidy.
- Election of Secretary – call made to Tracy, Br Sexton relinquished the Chair.
- Br Weisgerber nominated by Br Johnston, S – Br Sexton
- Br Johnston nominated by Br Weisgerber, S – Br Sexton
Br Johnston declined the nomination, Br Weisgerber acclaimed as Secretary
Br Sexton resumed Chair of the meeting
Points from the Floor:
- Day of Action – Mike and Susan attended, great workshop
- Women’s Strike – Mike said the food was great and the play was very good
- Pride March – great turnout and very busy
- 1919 Strike – Glen drove the float!
- Scholarship applications open until June 28th
- PSAC discounts for members online
- PSAC Prairie Region Women’s Conference is Sept 6-9th.
- Convention Bulletin – Call out Dec 2019. Registration deadline of Mar 1, 2020. Convention will be June 12-14, 2020 in Regina. Fully funded so less Delegate seats will be open.
- BDLC Labour Day picnic will be at the UFCW this year
Br Weisgerber sworn in as Secretary of the Area Council by Br Sexton.
Meeting adjourned at 7:16pm.
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