To: Locals/Branches, Regional Women’s Committees, Human Rights Committees, Aboriginal Peoples Circle and Area Councils in good standing in the Prairie Region
Re: Input Call for Resolutions to 2017 Prairies Convention
The 7th Triennial Convention of the PSAC Prairie Region will be held in Winnipeg, Manitoba at the Fairmont Winnipeg beginning Friday, April 21, 2017 at 9:00 a.m. and concluding Sunday, April 23 at 12:30 p.m.
Resolutions must be forwarded to my office by Thursday, December 8, 2016. Please submit the resolutions in electronic format where possible to
The Prairie Region will hold a resolution writing webinar on Tuesday, November 8 for all Prairies members. Visit to register in advance of the webinar. Regional offices are also offering training for members, including: November 5 in Calgary, November 19 in Saskatoon, and November 26 in Regina. Contact your regional office to inquire about upcoming courses.
As per Section 9, Sub-Section (3) (b) of the PSAC Prairie Region By-Laws, resolutions will be accepted from the PRC, Locals/Branches, Regional Women’s Committees, Access, Pride, Aboriginal Peoples, Racially Visible Person or Human Rights Committees and Area Councils in good standing.
Resolutions should be clear and concise. Attached is a checklist that the PSAC includes in the Convention Preparation Course. Submitted resolutions should: be formatted in 14 point Arial font, be formatted in either the traditional or clear language format, and include the title and originating body. Please respect the word limit of 150 words (not including titles or submitting information) and do not include any special formatting such as boxes or drawings
Additionally, in order to receive a subsidy, online registration must be completed by Thursday, December 8, 2016. If you have any questions, please contact me at 1-855-956-4625 (toll-free) or
In Solidarity,
Marianne Hladun
Regional Executive Vice-President
Public Service Alliance of Canada, Prairies
Attachment | Size |
Resolutions Input Call & Checkilst | 558.38 KB |