Prince Albert Area Council AGM Minutes - September 5, 2017

Prince Albert and District Area Council AGM
September 5, 2017
Present: Components: France Tremblay-Franc, Christina Creusot. Pennie Young, Melanie Trendocher, Lima Hicks.  Louise Mardell – PSAC Rep.
Regrets: Dave Beeds
Agenda: accepted as presented.
Anti-Harassment Resource: Shannon Blum
Letter from Randy Hoback: Randy has communicated with the committee to say that any individual who is not being paid can contact him directly.
Adoption of Minutes: Motion Pennie Young, Seconder Melanie Trendocher
PSAC Convention Delegate: Melanie Trendocher was nominated for delegate by France Tremblay-Franc and Shannon Blum.  She accepted and was named Delegate by acclamation. 
PSAC Convention Alternate: Christina Creusot was nominated by Shannon Blum and Seconded by Pennie Young.  France Tremblay-Franc was nominated by Melanie Trendocher and Seconded by Pennie Young.  Christina Creusot won the election.
PSAC Convention Second Alternate: France Tremblay-Franc was nominated by Melanie Trendocher and seconded by Pennie Young, Shannon Blum was nominated by Christina Creusot and Seconded by Pennie Young.  Shannon Blum won this election
Motion to destroy the ballots: Motion by Pennie Young, seconded by Melanie Trendocher.
Goals and strategies for 2017: Sr. Tremblay-Franc discussed our plans for the coming year.  The committee decided to go ahead with the information flyer.  We are also going ahead with a plan for a town hall in spring of 2018. The committee discussed options for guest speakers.  France is working on an action plan for the rest of this year, and it is attached to these minutes.
Secretary/Treasurer: Shannon Blum reported that she will be stepping down as Secretary/Treasurer.  France asked if the position could be split and Shannon said that she would continue doing minutes if there was a treasurer.  A call out will be going to ask for volunteers for the next meeting.
Education:  Louise explained that she does not do a whole year training plan in order to be more reactive to the needs of our membership.  She then reviewed the upcoming training opportunities that are on the website here.  
Round Table:  Lima Hicks wanted to know if anyone was walking in the Freedom of the City walk, the committee will approach Marianne Hladun to determine if this communication can be sent to the PSAC distribution list.  Shannon let people know about the SFL protest and Town Hall on September 6th. 
Next Meeting: December 6th, 5 PM Potluck with a $15 gift exchange.
Motion to Adjourn Christina Creusot
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