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Area Council

October 24, 2014 - 1:11pm •
October 21, 2014 - 4:06pm •
Winnipeg Area Council - Thursday, September 25, 2014 5:15 pm PSAC Regional Office, 175 Hargrave St M I N U T E SATTENDEES: Gus Mardli – Chair (AAFC)Steven Cabak - Co-Chair (UNE)Lorelei Topnik (USGE)Stephanie Primrose (CAHRD)Jim Miller (AAFC)Gloria Kelly (UNDE)Tracy Thor, PSAC Staff REGRETS:Dawn MacAulay, Darlene McClure,  Greg Ballintine, Christine McJannet 1. Call to Order at 5:20 p.m and roundtable introductions 2. PSAC Statement on Harassment• Read by Steven and accepted By All
October 15, 2014 - 12:00am •
In attendance: Greg Krokosh (30027), President; Sherry Hunt (30048), Vice-President; David Pearson (30048), Secretary/Treasurer); Christine Krokosh (30027); Ray Wilson (30048); Maria Fitzpatrick (70041); Diane White (30027); Lyn Paterson (30048), Herald Mark (30048), Krysty Munns (30048); Carol Mueller (30048); Tasmo Ramsey (30027); Dave Degenstein (30036); Shirley Stolk (30048)
October 15, 2014 - 12:00am •
Attendees: Alec Goertzen – President (CIU #30036); Dale Marianicz – Vice President (AGR #30046); Phillip Chan – Treasurer (UNE SSO #30040); Janet Parris – Secretary (UTE #30024); Timothy Hunt – HRC rep (CIU #30036)
October 14, 2014 - 11:14am •
Minutes from the October 8, 2014 Prince Albert Area Council Meeting 
October 3, 2014 - 12:00am •
Dear PSAC member:On October 22, Winnipeggers will head to the polls to elect a new mayor and city council that will oversee our city’s priorities and growth over the next four years.As with every election, we encourage our members to educate themselves on the candidates and the issues, and ultimately to exercise their democratic right on Election Day and vote.
October 2, 2014 - 2:37pm •
October 2, 2014 - 1:39pm •
Minutes from the September 30th, 2014 Saskatoon Area Council Meeting 
September 26, 2014 - 9:28am •
Westman Area Council 26 Jun 2013 5:00 PM Double Decker RestaurantMeeting called by: Glen JohnstonAttendees: Glen Johnston, Martin Kaminski, Roy Clark, Susan Norman, Jeff Sexton and Randy WalkerRegrets: nilThe meeting was called to order at 5:10 PM by Glen Johnson
September 26, 2014 - 9:07am •
February 6, 2014 at 5:00 pm at the Double Decker Restaurant Attendees: Jeff Sexton, Glen Johnston, Roy Clark, Randy Walker, Susan Norman, Martin Kaminski, and Tracy Thor  The meeting was called to order at 5:17 PM by Glen Johnston. Regrets: Nil. Harassment Statement and Advisor Susan read the PSAC harassment statement and agreed to act as the harassment advisor. Previous Minutes


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