Q&A: Rand Formula, Face-to-face discussions & More

Based on feedback and questions at regional leadership meetings, held throughout the Prairie Region in five different cities, we've created a Q&A page for members to get answers about your role as a PSAC campaigner, engaging members in face-to-face conversations, what the Rand formula is and what it means to the labour movement, and more. Do you have a question? Submit it here and check back for the response.

What is the Rand Formula?

 The Rand Formula requires an employer to deduct a portion of the salaries of all employees within a bargaining unit, union members or not, to go to the union as union dues (check-off). The Rand Formula balances the rights of employers and employees and has been adopted as a model in jurisdictions across Canada and beyond, including the United States.

What are the main issues of concern?

The federal government budget cuts and their impact on the quality and accessibility of public services; the current threats to our collective agreement rights and our democratic right to collective bargaining; Conservative proposals to introduce laws that give the government the right to say how the union can use its finances. These changes could allow some members to stop paying dues even though they would still receive all of the benefits the union negotiates.

What are these member-to-member conversations so important?

We want to get to know our members, find out how they're doing, what’s going on in their workplace and what’s on their minds these days. We also want to demonstrate that government actions to cut public services and jobs, cutback negotiated benefits and undermine unions will make their lives even more precarious.

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