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August 19, 2015 - 2:11pm •
FIGHTING FOR OUR LIVES - Bill C-4 AND HEALTH & SAFETY POSTPONED UNTIL FURHTER NOTICE (AS OF AUG.25) members who have registered for the original course will be notified by email
August 17, 2015 - 2:45pm •
Please join the Winnipeg Area Council as they participate with the Winnipeg Labour Council in celebrating Labour Day on September 7, 2015. 
July 6, 2015 - 3:36pm •
1 day in classroom style training course 1 day commitment for follow up activist work around the federal election (door knocking, phone banks) The course objective is to know the impacts of the Conservative governments policies and actions; to be a able to have political conversations about the upcoming election with members and the public; develop skills and confidence in having door-to-door conversations in the Canadian Labour Congress targeted ridings both located in Winnipeg.  
June 8, 2015 - 2:36pm •
The 2015 PSAC Prairie Region Health and Safety Conference will be held November 21 - 22 in Winnipeg. The overall theme will deal with the current challenges in dealing with employers, with particular attention to the roles of Workplace Health and Safety Committees, and the challenges faced by committee members. 
June 8, 2015 - 10:46am •
Attendees: Frank Janz, Darlene McClure, Dawn MacAulay, Jennifer Barron, Shelley Mosbeck, Kristin Beauchamp, Mike Chubey, Gloria Kelly, Sheilagh Hanson, Gus Mardli, Greg Ballendine, Faye Kingyens , Sheri Parent, Christine Dmyterko
May 29, 2015 - 10:46am •
More than 400 delegates at the 41st Manitoba Federation of Labour Convention, being held this weekend in Brandon, unanimously passed an emergency resolution today condemning the Conservatives for undermining collective bargaining with Bill C-59.
May 27, 2015 - 12:00am •
Report of the Regional Executive Vice-President, Prairies to the Manitoba Federation of Labour Executive Council submitted for the May 27-28, 2015 meeting. This report covers the period from the last MFL meeting.
May 20, 2015 - 12:00am •
Attendees: Darlene McClure, Dawn MacAulay, Tania Lachance, Greg Ballendine, Wanda Quennell, Frank Jantz, Jen Botincan, Gloria Kelly, Gus Mardli, Lorelei Topnik
May 12, 2015 - 12:00am •
1- Call to order at 17:2O hrs. with welcome to sisters and brothers in attendance as this is an open meeting with guest speaker
May 8, 2015 - 10:42pm •
The May 19th Day of Action will focus on communicating and contacting federal MPs as they are back in their home riding for the week of May 19 – 22, 2015.


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Contact Information

Winnipeg Contact

Winnipeg Regional Office

175 Hargrave Street, Suite 460
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 3R8
Telephone: (204) 947-1601
Toll-free: 1-866-393-7722
Fax: (204) 943-0652

Lisa Garnier
Regional Coordinator

Tom Milne
Regional Negotiator

Tracy Thor
Regional Representative

Martha Johnson
Regional Representative

Clint Wirth
Regional Representative, Health & Safety

Tina Matias-Bouchard
Regional Representative

Karoline Klug
Regional Education Officer

Ted Klassen
Term Regional Organizer

Shelley Jamieson
Administrative Assistant

Monika Duggal