Winnipeg AC Letter: Provincial Election

Dear PSAC member,

On October 4, Manitobans will head to the polls to elect the representatives who will guide our province for the next four years.

In preparation for the election, PSAC Winnipeg regional office will be hosting a telephone town hall on September 26 to allow every PSAC member the opportunity to participate in an important discussion regarding the election and issues important to our families and communities. To participate, simply answer the phone when we call you. There is no charge to participate.

We’ve also included with this letter information about Working Families Manitoba, a community campaign of the Manitoba Federation of Labour designed to raise awareness on issues that matter to working people like you and me. Enclosed you will find information on the issues that are important for providing workplace safety and financial security for working families — now and in the future.

Please have a look at the information included and pass it on to your family, friends, neighbours, and coworkers to encourage them to get out and vote. If you have any questions about your riding or the candidates running in your area, call Elections Manitoba at (204) 945-3225.

I want to thank you in advance for taking the time to exercise your democratic right to vote in the provincial election and to vote for a candidate that aims to create a caring and labor friendly province.

In Solidarity,

Gloria Kelly
Chair, Winnipeg Area Council

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