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Treasury Board tells federal departments and agencies to ensure that changes are made to Records of Employment.

Last month, a by-election for the position of Young Worker Representative on the Prairie Region Council (PRC) was called, following the resignation of Amanda-Rose Bourget who was elected to the position at the 2011 Prairies Regional Triennial Convention.

The following is re-posted from Headwinds, a blog written by the PSAC Alliance Executive Committee - the National President, National Executive Vice-President and seven Regional Executive Vice-Presidents. Read more of their thoughts on the issues that affect PSAC members and all Canadians at aec-cea.ca.

As part of our work as health and safety representatives on the PSAC Prairie Region Council, we want to talk to members about who we are and what we do and keep our members informed about health and safety issues.

PSAC has commissioned Environics Research Group to survey a random selection of members for their opinions on a variety of issues. You may be contacted to take part in this. We encourage your participation, and assure you that your participation and answers will be kept anonymous and confidential. The survey is being conducted between March 27 and mid-April.

Nearly 1,500 enthusiastic labour activists gathered in Toronto, Ontario from March 22-24, 2013 for the Canadian Labour Congress Political Action Conference.
