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The Manitoba region includes members in Winnipeg, Brandon and surrounding areas who serviced out of the Winnipeg Regional Office, responsible for more than 8,000 members across Manitoba.

June 16, 2014 - 12:36pm •
Winnipeg Area CouncilWednesday January 22, 20145:15 pm PSAC Regional Office 175 Hargrave St ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING MINUTES Attendees:Dawn MacAulay, Darlene McClure, Gus Mardli, Steven Cabak, Gloria Kelly, Matt Tijani, Christine McJannet, Rob Weins, Tracy Thor – PSAC Representative1. Call to Order at 5:15 p.m.2. PSAC Statement on Harassment agreed to by all3. Adoption of Agenda – changes – addition of the Social Justice Fund Update, moving it into #10 spot and moving the rest down
June 16, 2014 - 12:35pm •
Report of the Westman Area Council Representative to the Prairie Region Council submitted for the June 2014 meeting. This report covers the period from the last PRC meeting.
June 16, 2014 - 12:33pm •
 Report of the South-East Manitoba Geographical Representative to the Prairie Region Council submitted for the June 2014 meeting. This report covers the period from the last PRC meeting.
June 16, 2014 - 12:23pm •
Winnipeg Area CouncilWed October 23, 2013 MinutesAttendees:Gus Mardli, Steven Cabak, Gloria Kelly, Shelley Jamieson (PSAC Staff) 1- Call to Order at 5:30 pm2- PSAC Statement on Harassment – agreed by all3- Adoption of Agenda- adopted as presented4- Adoption of Minutes from June 4 meeting ( moved by G Mardli and seconded by S Cabak)5- President’s Report – nothing to report6- Treasurer’s Report –Treasurer absent so report will wait until next meeting.
June 16, 2014 - 12:08pm •
Winnipeg Area CouncilTues June 4, 2013Minutes Attendees:Gus Mardli, Steven Cabak, Matt Tijani, Darlene McClure, Dawn MacAulayTracy Thor (PSAC staff) 1. Call to Order at 5:202. PSAC Statement on Harassment - agreed by all3. Adoption of Agenda – with the addition of one item (the Prairie Region Council report presented by Matt Tijani), moved by Matt seconded by Dawn, accepted.4. Adoption of Minutes of Nov 6, 2012 – with the correction of Steven’s last name, moved by Matt, seconded by Gus, accepted.
June 16, 2014 - 12:02pm •
Winnipeg Area CouncilTuesday May 7, 20135:15 pmPSAC Regional Office - 175 Hargrave St Attendees:Gus Mardli, Steven Cabek, Matt Tijani, Dawn MacAulay, Tracy Thor (PSAC staff)Regrets:    Darlene McClure 1. Call to Order at 5:252. PSAC Statement on Harassment agreed to by all.3. Adoption of Agenda – moved by Matt seconded by Steven, accepted.4. Adoption of Minutes of Nov 6, 2012 – moved by Gus, seconded by Matt, accepted.5. Presidents Report – nothing to report.
June 16, 2014 - 12:00am •
Marianne Hladun submitted the following letter regarding National Public Service Week to the Winnipeg Free Press.
June 10, 2014 - 12:00am •
In Attendance: Gloria Kelly UNDE; Shelley Henn AGR; Darlene MClure AGR; Paula Nygaard retiree; Dawn MacAulay AGR; Mona Simcoe UNDE; Lorelei Topnik USGE; Tania Lachance DLC CAHRD; Florence Tokar UNE; Christine McJannet UNE; Andrea Rose DCL CAHRD; Stephanie Primrose DCL CAHRD; Darlene Matthews DCL CAHRD; Shelley Jamieson PSAC Staff
May 28, 2014 - 12:00am •
Attendees: Gus Mardli (AAFC), Matt Tijani (AAFC), Darlene McClure (AAFC), Christine McJannet (Stats Canada), Stephanie Primrose (DCL), Tanya Lechance(DCL), Dawn MacAulay (AAFC)
April 9, 2014 - 12:00am •
Attendees: Gloria Kelly (UNDE), Gus Mardli (AGR), Darlene McClure (AGR), Myke Briggs (Stats Canada), Stephen Cabak (UNE), Matt Tijani (AAFC), Dawn MacAulay (AGR), Tracy Thor (PSAC Representative)


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