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Southern Alberta

The Southern Alberta region includes members in Calgary, Lethbridge and surrounding areas who serviced out of the Calgary Regional Office, responsible for more than 5,200 members.

March 14, 2013 - 10:55am •
   A newsletter from the Calgary Regional Women's Committee, an independent decision making body that is part of the formal structure of the PSAC and meets regularly to develop projects and activities that promote advancement of women in the union and labour movement.
March 13, 2013 - 12:01pm •
The National Board of Directors of the PSAC has unanimously endorsed a plan to protect our members against new threats to our Collective Agreement rights.
March 6, 2013 - 12:00am •
Attending: Alec Goertzen – President (CIU #30036); Dale Marianicz – Vice President (AGR #30046); Jenna Adams – Treasurer (UNE #30186); Janet Parris – Secretary (UTE #30024); Dolly Ablitt – PSAC RO
February 27, 2013 - 12:00am •
The 19th Annual AFL Kids’ Camp will be held August 5‐9 at Goldeye Centre near Nordegg on Goldeye Lake (see attached brochure below). The Mary Veilleux Memorial sponsorship was created to fund one child of PSAC members to attend the camp. If no such requests are received, the money will be sent to the Kids’ Camp s a donation. If you know of members in your local that might have children who would be interested, please pass this information along.
February 20, 2013 - 1:47pm •
 A newsletter from the Calgary Regional Women's Committee, an independent decision making body that is part of the formal structure of the PSAC and meets regularly to develop projects and activities that promote advancement of women in the union and labour movement.
February 14, 2013 - 12:00am •
PSAC Sisters in Lethbridge stood together in solidarity with the One Billion Rising movement to demand an end to violence against women. They also took the opportunity to recognize Have a Heart Day by supporting First Nations children to grow up safely at home, get a good education, be healthy, and proud of their cultures.  
January 31, 2013 - 3:45pm •
A dozen PSAC members employed at the Drumheller Institution and Annex in Drumheller, Alberta participated in PSAC's Talking Union Basic's (TUB) course on January 19, 2013, the first course to be offered in the town, 100 km outside of Calgary.
January 14, 2013 - 12:08pm •
The attached Mission Statement was drafted by the PSAC National Board of Directors following its retreat in October, 2012. It has been endorsed and duly signed by all members of the Board.
January 9, 2013 - 12:00am •
You are invited to help build The Lethbridge Declaration - a grassroots Federal NDP campaign built by progressive Prairie people who want to live in an inclusive Canada that leaves no one behind, who feel urgent action is needed to push back on the direction Stephen Harper and the Conservatives are taking Canada, and who want to be involved in making that change happen.
January 8, 2013 - 12:18pm •
Calgary AC Minutes - November, 14, 2012 


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