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Area Council

October 10, 2013 - 1:17pm •
 Minutes from the August 13, 2013 Regina & District Area Council Meeting
October 2, 2013 - 2:39pm •
Minutes from the September 30, 2013 Prince Albert & District AGM Minutes
September 30, 2013 - 3:02pm •
Minutes from the September 5, 2013 Prince Albert Area Council Meeting
August 15, 2013 - 12:00am •
Prince Albert Area Council Meeting Minutes - August 12, 2013
June 26, 2013 - 12:00am •
In Attendance: Melissa Brandt – Chair; Brett Pollard – Secretary; Michael Schell – Local 40064
May 29, 2013 - 1:00am •
In Attendance: Darlene Lewis – NHU 30016; Dragana Ristivojevic – UTE 30025; Deb Ferguson – USGE 30010; Sandra Relling – UNE 30067; Jerad Cooper (teleconference) – UTE 30025; PSAC Staff: Carm Chan – PSAC Rep
May 29, 2013 - 12:00am •
Attendees: Alec Goertzen – President (CIU #30036); Dale Marianicz – Vice President (AGR #30046); Janet Parris – Secretary (UTE #30024); Dolly Ablitt – PSAC RO
May 22, 2013 - 12:00am •
In Attendance: Melissa Brandt, Chair; Brett Pollard, Secretary; Dan Grunert, Treasurer; Richard Dolinski; Bryan Thompson; Steve Van Opstal; Satinder Bains; Michael Schell; Diane Allen (Regional Rep)
May 15, 2013 - 12:00am •
In attendance: Denni Ernst, Tim Hogan, Dallas Auger, Paul Daigneault, Louise Mardell
May 9, 2013 - 12:00am •
The Prairie Region Council (PRC) welcomes another new member with the addition of Darlene Lewis as Edmonton Area Council Rep. A Health Canada employee for more than 13 years, Lewis was elected to the position at an Edmonton Area Council meeting earlier this year.


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