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Statement on Canadian Wheat Board 

From the Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba Federations of Labour 

The Harper government’s decision to dismantle the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) is illegal and undemocratic. Once again, the Conservative government is putting the interests of its corporate friends ahead of the interests of Canadian communities, families and working people. 

Sister Jennifer Borean has resigned from her position as the Southern Saskatchewan Geographic Representative on the Prairie Region Council. Brother Steve Van Opstal, the alternate in that position, will now join the Council.


One young member aged 18 and 30 will be chosen to represent the Prairie Region on a young workers delegation and will travel to Honduras and El Salvador from November 30 to December 9, 2011 to learn about union international solidarity programs. Apply now.

Thousands of people are gathering all over the world, in solidarity with the activists who have been occupying Wall Street in New York for the last several weeks.

Canadians are looking for a way forward that isn't about gutting the public service, said John Gordon, National President of the Public Service Alliance of Canada.

Our union just won a victory on behalf of a member who requested accommodation due to environmental hypersensitivity.
