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October 4th is the day we honour the lives of missing and murdered Aboriginal women and girls; on October 4th 2011 call on the federal government to stop ignoring this national crisis and take action.

PSAC's bargaining team used the opening session with Parks Canada, Sept. 20-22 to emphasize members concerns over contracting out, the use of contractors and volunteers and the student issue.

The second full session of TC bargaining, held September 21-23, got off to a rocky start.  During this session, the TC bargaining team sent a clear message to the employer: find ways to address our legitimate proposals.

The joint learning program (JLP) pilot project for PSAC members at Parks Canada will be holding its first series of workshops in the next few months.

The PSAC won an important fight to protect union members' rights in the workplace with the Public Service Labour Relations Board's decision that the Treasury Board contravened the collective agreement, including the “No Discrimination” clause, when it prohibited members from posting campaign materials to protect their pensions.

The FB bargaining team met with Treasury Board and CBSA representatives in Ottawa the week of September 12, 2011 to continue negotiations for a new contract.
